Original Post
Serious Chat
Feel free to mingle with each other here. We're mostly on IRC, but for people who lack the willpower to download, or us the ToriChat system, This is for you.

Please don't spam in this board, it will be taken away. Trespassers who cause problems will be reported.
Last edited by evets; Sep 15, 2009 at 12:39 PM.

I don't think it was neccesary to close the Suggestion thread.
I think it's a good thing if members can give ideas on how to improve the clan.

After all isn't that what we want? To improve the clan as much as possible?
Bored of this....
Want to join GATA?
Originally Posted by CaptainLOL View Post

I don't think it was neccesary to close the Suggestion thread.
I think it's a good thing if members can give ideas on how to improve the clan.

After all isn't that what we want? To improve the clan as much as possible?

We can't improve Serious because we're good already.
But if you want to suggest stuff, just talk to me on irc.
Opening the thread ._.
We need more posts and shit.

Btw, I want to make some new stuff for the clan..


1. bi-weekly events
2. bi-weekly/monthly tourneys
3. Clan Debate competetions
4. anything esle?

Sorry for double post

No one cares about double posting here.
Weekly tourneys and Monthy replay events are good ideas.
Debate sucks.
Last edited by Larry; Sep 19, 2009 at 10:38 AM.