Weekend Bash
View Poll Results: What should be added with Toribash 5.53
Updated Clans system
57 Votes / 39.58%
New Market system
87 Votes / 60.42%
Voters: 144. You may not vote on this poll
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Choose the next Toribash update - Clans vs Market
Hi, next week I'm planning to start work on Toribash 5.53 and need help deciding what it should focus on.
Options to choose from are Clans and Market, and here are the drafts for each of these updates:

  • Full clan controls in game client with wars, member management, invites and on
  • Automated system for clan officialization based on fixed criteria
  • Fully automated activity checks
  • Clan shop with exclusive items to spend perk points on

  • In-game Market GUI
  • Steam Market like system with an ability to put a sale / purchase offer
  • Tax on every item sale to combat economy inflation (same as Steam does, sellers can see how much they'll sell for and how much they'll actually receive, buyer only sees the buy price)
  • Premium shops that allow to sell without tax / sell no-qi items

Most popular vote gets added with 5.53 update.
Please keep in mind that I'm currently not considering any other big updates for 5.53 - both of these have been on the backburner for quite a long time now.

If you've got any other ideas for either the Clans or Market system, please share.
Most people are saying market, which imo is proof that people don't care as much about clans since there isn't much to do in them. Many Toribash players avoid clans, and I've seen black belts not even know clans were in the game. When I try to recruit some people, they reply with; "What's the point of clans/Why should I be in a clan?" I'd love to see a clan update. An updated market would help, but I don't see much wrong with how the current market works. Feel free to reply to me and try to change my mind.
Last edited by Temple; Jul 24, 2021 at 01:33 PM.
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Originally Posted by Vaporwavve View Post
I would seriously appreciate an automated methodology for clans to become official.
I submitted my 50k TC and was not approved, denied, or refunded the partial amount-- Just silence (Nothing personal to the dude, maybe he was too busy?)
It was and has been incredibly frustrating to deal with.
Our Clan literally hits 1# for activity and still can't manage to be allowed to become official.
For me as the leader it's been a bit discouraging to deal with considering most official clans are from the Hey-Day of Toribash when the numbers were far more substantial.
So now, anything and everything means a ton in order to keep the community motivated and alive.
We NEED the investments into the game to be rewarded with something we can experience tangibly.

Just to clarify on this point, your clan (and any other clan that has applied for official for that matter) are still under discussion unless you've been sent a pm that your application has been denied or accepted.
We are looking at more things than simply your clan ranking when judging if you should become official (such as forum and in-game activity).
Originally Posted by Swosh View Post
Just to clarify on this point, your clan (and any other clan that has applied for official for that matter) are still under discussion unless you've been sent a pm that your application has been denied or accepted.
We are looking at more things than simply your clan ranking when judging if you should become official (such as forum and in-game activity).

Ty bro, didn't know.
2 in the Meme, 1 in the Dream.
I chose market, also the reason I am writing this is because I'm one of those "Chromebook players'... yeah yeah laugh all you want. That means I am on Linux. I run through steam. can you update the Linux version please? I haven't been able to play and when I open Toribash its just a black screen. Please make the next update for all Macbook, Windows, Linux/Steam os whatever you want to call it. I would greatly appreciate it.