Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Sorting replays by XXX
Adding a button that would help you find replays will help the video creators and replay makers by not having to:-
) Go into notepad to know which replay is the right one through seeing the mod or player names.
) Explore the replay folder to see the last edited one
) Check the mod folder to know whether they got the replays they got off the forums(downloading replays with custom mods for a video/replay edit etc)

Ofc you wouldn't like doing these things if you had like 400 replays in your folder with the half having random names.

Something along these lines: Name[0-Z,Z-0]/Date[saved or edited]/Mod(same as Name but for mods), etc...
If the mod for the replay was not found in the mods folder, the name will turn red, indicating that you don't have it and need to get it off the forums.

A bad photoshop of how it might look like

Either a button or something like the List in the Windows Explorer:-

Whatcha think.
So rather than just having it say the replay name, it says who it was by and when you got it, and last edited, and you can search for it. I think that a fair enough idea, I would like to see that since I'm going to be doing replay showcases soon.