Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
The (hacker-)story of "BitchChecker"
First i want to mention that this is a true story its german normaly but its worth to translate it in english....i have time tho lol
Its a long story but its worth to read it...REALLY xD
I am so glad i was in that room as it happend...laughing my ass off
Have fun

First some little comments from my side:
1)The name of the badass hacker is BitchChecker and Elch is a channel moderator on that chat

2.) Everyone knows the Ip-Address (also called "localhost"). This
"Numbercombination" is the Ip-address of every computer.If you access on it you'll land on your own hardware

3.) If you dont know what a ping timeout is dont even read this lol

* bitchchecker ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout#)
* bitchchecker ([email protected]) has joined #stopHipHop
<bitchchecker> why did you kick me
<bitchchecker> can't we discuss normaly?
<bitchchecker> answer!
<+Elch> we didn't kick you
<+Elch> You had a Ping-timeout: * bitchchecker ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout#)
<bitchchecker> what ping man
<bitchchecker> the timing of my computer is corect
<bitchchecker> i even got sumertime on
<bitchchecker> you've baned me
<bitchchecker> say that u baned me you mothafucker
<HopperHunter|afk> LOL
<HopperHunter|afk> Shit are you dumb, summertime^^
<bitchchecker> shut up fucker, we HAVE SUMMERTIME!!
<bitchchecker> since 2 weeks already!
<bitchchecker> if u start ur computer there comes a mail that they set summertime on
Summertime doesnt exist everywhere tho

<Elch> God you're a pro with computers arent you?
<bitchchecker> STFU ill hack you
<Elch> Allrite I'll stop u neednt show me how a awesome hacker you are^^
<bitchchecker> say your network number and ur dead
<Elch> er, it is
<Elch> or no it was
<Elch> Yeah rite: I'll wait for your amazing hacker skills
<bitchchecker> in five minutes youre harddrive is away
<Elch> Oh my god, I'm scared
<bitchchecker> STFU shortly youll be away
<bitchchecker> ive got a program where i write ur ip and ur dead
<bitchchecker> say good bye!
<Elch> To who?
<bitchchecker> to yourself man!
<bitchchecker> buy buy
<Elch> I shake already, I'm so scared from u Pr0 hackz0r
* bitchchecker ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout#)
Everyone knew what happend, the guy wrote his own Ip in his powerfull hack-program and his own computer crashed. So the attack on my computer was done for now.I allready thought i can relax from his awesome attack, but a good hacker as well known never gives up.
2 Minutes later he came back:

* bitchchecker ([email protected]) has joined #stopHipHop
<bitchchecker> be cheerfull that my computer crashed, youd be away now
<Metanot> lol
<Elch> bitchchecker: Than try to hack me again I still have the same IP:
<bitchchecker> youre so dumb man
<bitchchecker> say buy buy
<Metanot> gosh, go away with ur "man!!!"
<bitchchecker> buy buy elch
* bitchchecker ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout#)
The atmosphere was very tense. Would he make it to crash my coumputer at the end?. I waited...6 minutes passed by till he planed his new attack.As a hacker that normals crashed whole datacenters he also knew why he failed the last times.
* bitchchecker ([email protected]) has joined #stopHipHop
<bitchchecker> elch you motherfucker
<Metanot> bitchchecker how old are you?
<Elch> sup bitchchecker?
<bitchchecker> you have got a frie wall
<bitchchecker> fire wall
<Elch> Mhm, i dont know much about computers dunno
<bitchchecker> i am 26
<Metanot> such a child with 26?
<Elch> How did you see ive got a firewall?
<bitchchecker> cause ur gay firewall redirected my attack on myself
<bitchchecker> be a man and put this shit off
Well, he called me a girl and that only his grandma would use a firewall.To see if he really is a good hacker I lied and said i dont have a firewall....
Well i also dont have one....my router does

<Elch> Bitchchecker, a friend just told me how to deactivate a firewall u can try again, lol
<Metanot> bitchhacker can't hack
<Black[TdV]> What a wordplay ^^
<bitchchecker> wort man
<Elch> bitchchecker: I still wait for youre awesome hackz0r skillz
<Metanot> how often must i say that: he isnt a hacker
<bitchchecker> u want a virus, fucker
<bitchchecker> say me your ip and i crash ur harddrive
<Metanot> Lol, nevermind but i can hack and i know you are not a hacker
<Elch> Thats easy....
<bitchchecker> lolololol youre so dumd ull be away in 2 seconds
<bitchchecker> and? first files get deleted?
<Elch> Wait...
<Elch> I'll look
Panickly i start my explorer: did he really make it?

<bitchchecker> neednt try to save it you wont make it
<Elch> thats bad
<bitchchecker> elch you idiot ur harddrive F: is deleted
<Elch> Well, i cant do anything can i?
<bitchchecker> 20 seconds and f: is away!
I look....wait F: and G: is away...did i ever have a F: and G:?...
Whatever i didnt have time to think about that, im so badly scared...
At least bitchchecker makes me laugh....

<bitchchecker> tupac rules!
<bitchchecker> elch you motherfucker f: and e: is away
Harddrive e:? OMG MY GAMES....and all the pictures! I look for e: ....and its still there. But....the hacker said its deleted?

Or isnt he even on MY computer?

<bitchchecker> and d: is by 45 % you idiot lolololololol
<He> Why doesnt meta says anything anymore?
<Elch> Cause he lies on the floor laughing his ass off
<Black[TdV]> ^^
<bitchchecker> your d: is away!
This guy is awesome...my CD-Drive should have deleted something....like.... from disk reader to CD burner... But how does he do that? I must ask him...

<bitchchecker> elch your so dumb never give ur ip in internet!
<bitchchecker> C: 30 % ....
Should i say him that he doesnt even attacks my computer?

* bitchchecker ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout#)
Too late... Its 20:22 as we get the last message from our pr0 friend bitchchecker. Is says he had a "ping timeout" since then we never saw him again... Must be the summertimer...

Btw we know he maybe lies and failed by trieing to scare us... cause he also said....

<bitchchecker> fucker stfu, i studied inglish
2 Words: Suck it
And duel me bitch, searching duels 5-100k
ghehe that was fun to read, though it would scare me a little if someone starts to talk to me like that, i have no hacker attack or defend skillz and knowledge at all :P
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
i think i will search for this guy and rofl a hole day about him xD
I'll do >:D >:D >:D and YOU'll do :S:S:S:S:S:S:S
Originally Posted by nikosefs View Post
lol again xD

niko u r going through a nostalgia trip rn.
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

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