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[Kick] Fighters League
Welcome to the kick fighters league.

Register For Kick Fighters League

To register for the kick fighters league simply make a post on this thread that you want to do so and your place in the league roster will be added. non kick members have permission to join the league to.

After A League MAtch

After a league match please post the results in this format

Player vs Player

Round 1-player wins

Round 2-player wins

Round 3-player wins

Also if you have not played a match because you have won the match 2 out of 3 then mark the round you have not played (Un Played)


Keep all times in GMT. It makes my job as a leader way easier.

Also if you can if you have posted your challenge here then take the extra time to pm opponent to remind them of the challenge and setup game times that way. It makes it alot easier for me and for your challenger.

Moveing Up The Roster

the only way to move up the roster in the fighters league is by challenging the person that is 1 rank up from you.


Rewards in the league are givein for winning and becomeing 1st place. if you make it to the top 6 ranks you will be rewarded with 200 credits for every win. if you make it to first place for every week you remain first place you receive 1000 or more credits.p

Your Starting Rank

Your starting rank will be decided by the order you sign up for the league. Normaly you will start at the very bottom of the league rank list.

Makeing A Challenge

If you want to make a challenge to someone then post it in this thread and it will be added to this post and remember to enclud what time(GMT) , What rules you want(all kick league matchs will be held in the kick server).no mods are allowed you must fight with a normal fighting style tk,kb,judo ect..

Match Guidlines

There are simple match guidlines when you are faceing your opponent.
all matchs are best out of 3.

Kick Fighters League Roster

Top 6 Fighters

1st place-EmpreamKick

2nd place-JePoY

3rd place-FrenchyRulz

4th place-Cro-Mag

5th place-zentradi

6th place-skeletonman

League roster(Below Top 6)







Pending Challenges

Skeletonman Vs T0astman [Game Rules: teak kwon normal][Date=Unknown]
Last edited by empreamkick; Nov 1, 2007 at 08:08 PM.
Chuck Norris is in fact the most deadliest weapon on this planet, But then there's EmpreamKick