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clan comp against toxic
ok we are going to have a clan comp with toxic, there will be a team of 5 people and entry will be 1000tc, money will go to clan of the winner to be divided evenly

it will be in who server, but rules are not set yet

read this thread
Ok is a quick summary of what i am thinking about doing for the friendly clan comp since ToD is dead now and we can't go to war with them.

Ok ddaa with your assistance we will need a roster of everybody who will be there and only 5 people will sign up for each team. no alternates. must have roster posted 1 week before the comp, and if any changes come up in the roster it must be changed the day before the comp, not day of. Then like i said with the assistance of ddaa we will make a chart showing who will fight who each time so everybody fights every one else on the other team at least once. But i do think since this is a bigger deal than a normal comp ,we should make it every one fights everybody on the other team atleast two times. Then we add up the wins for each player then combine that with your clan mates scores, and the team with the most wins, wins all the creds for thier team and we split the credits eavenly through your clan.

P.S. Back to your roster for the fighting If you have all five people that are going to fight sent in and one of them doesn't show up on the day of the comp then that clan then has to fight with 4 people instead of 5. Someone can't take thier place. Also I think all creds must be sent into a person who is holding all the creds/thier teams creds(depending on how u want to do it. I don't know if you guys would trust one of us to hold all the creds of the comp and vis versa) a week before the comp, When you send in the roster. If a change in the roster comes back up and one person finds out they can't make it then that person will get a full refund of thier money. But if they don't show up the day of the comp and except a refund. NO thats nt working.

P.S.S. Looking forward to the clan comp and hope every one has a good day

P.S.S.S. this is a copy from Toxic forums
i dont expect to be chosen to fight in this as i have only just rejoined, but if you need somebody deperatleyi can fight if is is at a good time for me.
look people, the main thing im looking for out of the team, is a group that will definately show up when the time comes, im sure the time of the comp will be worked around when all participants can be here

lets see how many members wanna join then i will pick, but if you (honestly) dont have enough tc still post saying you want to enter, depending on what happens, i may be able to pay for you
ok i will allow 6 now regards what i just posted in a Toxic thread just a sec ago but i will edit that part but you guys also haveto rem i thought each server only held 10 people...5 per team.... but if you can get 12 then 6 is now the limit

also i do believe it will be in two weeks from now on saturday because i will be gone this weekend and the week limit of posting roster would have been up.