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[HOLY] GATA event idea!
[14:18:25] <aerox21> I just had this great idea of GATA lottery
[14:18:30] <aerox21> We gather 500k tc
[14:18:34] <aerox21> by making art
[14:18:51] <aerox21> and then create a lottery event with 250 tc per ticket

So would that be good? the 250 tc would add in to the price.

Maximum amount of tickets 2000 and max 20 per user/IP because we have bendover to spy the IP address's

Yes or no?
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aren't lotteries prohibited?
Or do we get privileges because of BenDover being an Smod?
DeviantArt (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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I have a question, will GATA members be able to participate? :3
And, if we save 500k, then we charge people 250 each, we'll end up with 500k again.
Why charge the people if it's to give out tc?
Last edited by Katsudon; Apr 6, 2012 at 11:57 PM.
because it's a lottery! Duh. No pain, no gain. and the 250 tc is so we can give out 1 million tc in total.

I don't think allowing GATA members to join would be fair. People might suspect some sort of conspiracy.

Or on the other hand, we could gather 1 million tc and just randomly pick a user number. If the user is active, he will get 1 million tc. No need for participating.

Some thinking still needs to be done.
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Nah, there isn't many people who would enter in the competition. And if we deny GATA members from entering there wouldn't be many people.
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