This is the thread in which all the textures that the person giving them out didn't make or just doesn't want CnC for them should be posted.
If you have textures you would like to make free, post them in this thread along with the following information:
Previous owner:
Proof of ownership:
Note: This thread is only for posting free textures, this is NOT a place to give feedback on the textures that get posted here, nor the ethics behind someone's actions.
All textures posted here will be linked in the OP.
I've moved a few posts to the "Art Rules" thread. Please, try to keep this thread clean and only post here if you want to give away some textures. If you have any questions or concerns, PM one of the board's LMods (Nagato9757 and cats) or an SMod. You can also post your questions in the "Art Rules" thread.
Last edited by Arctic; Jul 10, 2016 at 01:55 AM.
Reason: wow i
That was really bad sorry.
Someone tell me why this guy is highly respected by some people ???
´15[14:24:49] <%Stalker> queria uma head q fosse mais de 150k
[14:24:51] <Love> aff
15[14:25:01] <%Stalker> ou por esse preÃýo ai
[14:25:01] <Love> tenho umas aqui
[14:25:04] <Love> do jebus
15[14:25:04] <%Stalker> mais ou menso
[14:25:39] <Love>
04[14:26:08] <%Inox> compra nao Stalker
15[14:28:33] <%Stalker> ae love quer quanto nela
[14:28:41] <%Inox> 150k
[14:28:54] <Love> zento i Ãýinguenta
15[14:29:23] <%Stalker> belesa manda ai
[14:29:31] <Love> ja mandei
[14:29:32] <Love> q
Artist: Jusmi
Previous Owner: Samuel
Size: 512x512