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What Made You Want To Start Your Hobby?
From making music and art to jumping off of bridges with no bungee and collecting severed penises. What is your hobby, why did you start, and why do you continue to do it? Also, post examples of your hobbies if you want.
Last edited by Kilcreed; Oct 8, 2013 at 04:06 AM.
I like playing games on console and PC I had a cousin who had a PS2 and i would always go to his house to play Need For Speed Most Wanted (the original) and it was so fun. I ended up getting my own PS2 and played it morning before to school and after school. Then my PS2 controllers stopped working and every time i got new ones, they also broke too easily. So I got an Xbox and i thought it was the best console ever, I loved the controller, it felt strong in your hands, like you had all the power in the world. I earned up to 10000G's within two years of only playing single player. The game i played the most was Just Cause 2. Then I started gaming on the PC because of how easy it was to just download a game off the interent and start playing it, but then XboxLive came along only about one year ago (when i found out about it) and i started playing that 24/7 (I still do) So my hobby is gaming and I am a huge battlefield fan! Dice is a good company.

My second hobby started because of a certain game This character was so cool! She would jump from building to building, run across walls, and vault that shit. When i started playing Mirrors Edge I became more and more into Parkour. So i started looking at some tutorials to do certain Parkour techniques and I now the basic stuff of getting around. I can do Vaults, Cat Leap, a few steps of wall run and combat roll. Parkour is just fun to do in general even without the stunts (Which is freerunning).

At the moment I do more gaming than parkour but i still love to parkour on video games. So thats pretty much it.
破 局 が 新 し い
Oh? Video games?
Well, my Brothers collected shittons of games, so did I.
And here I am... God damnit.
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
Originally Posted by Katastrophe View Post

His Hobbies

What's your GT?
I have an amazing voice, so naturally I wanted to make a career out of it

= dropping out and now trying to get voiceover work
Originally Posted by green14 View Post
Skating, and because no one thought I'd ever be any good at it.

I like it. Shit on everyones face who didnt believe in you.
My hobbies are currently swimming and playing piano.

I'm pretty sure those just became my hobbies, because my parents had always forced me to do them as a kid, haha.
Gaming came to me from a very early age, and has been a staple of my life since then. Fairly simple deal, except that i somehow started out by using my mouse with my left hand, probably following my dads example, hence me using the mouse with my off hand to this day.

Drawing came much, MUCH later in my life, beginning its baby steps during my time modding Cortex Command, where i got tired of asking other people to sprite for me. Then, 3-4 years later, i cautiously expanded my territory into full-scale drawing, all while being super shy about it. Hell, my brother and parents didn't really know about it. A milestone was reached when i bought a sketchpad and started drawing things in it, and at some point, it finally culminated in me shitting my nervous disposition in the face and brandishing my sketchbook right in my bro's face. Later that day (or was it a few days later?) i also showed it to my parents, who were surprised (positively) to find out that i actually had a mild artistic streak in me.

I have since gotten hold of a tablet (actually two, but one is my bro's which he doesn't use, which is situated in my own room now where i have space for it, whereas the smaller Wacom is at my gaming rig), and am now drawing/doodling sort of regularly. Still a bit shy about it, but at least i actually know that people won't shun me for it now. :I (i still prefer drawing while alone, however)

Also, if you can call game designing a hobby, it spawned quite simply: There was not enough games to play, so i said fuck it, i'm going to make my own. It also spawned from the fact that i had been modding a few games for quite a while, and felt ready for BIGGER THINGS.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Video editing, playing COD led me to looking at montages at youtube, then wanting to be the one creating them and getting feedback. BakersTuts wasn't really my inspiration, but definately an influence.