Yup going to CnC your rules again
Firstly, I think the format of the rules is kind of bad, perhaps consider using the same format as the Global Rules. They are really well formatted, and I don't like having a different format for every subforum.
Agree/disagree. It would be nice to see all the sub forums look a bit more similar, but at the same time, there is no real need for that and every sub forum is ran by a different person(s)
"Cap you're Images"
Perhaps "Cap your images"
Grammar nazi.
I don't think CnC should be the only kind of post allowed. I think the reason why non-CnC was originally dis-allowed was because of 1 word or short posts. Perhaps simply disallow them (as they are in the Global Rules anyway). Review posts, of sorts, should be allowed. I know this doesn't come up often but I think it should be said.
Again, agree/disagree. A lot of people get away with none cnc post in the art board and they are basically harmless. Though the art mods try their best to encourage cnc to help people who actually ask for it get so they can improve.
I still don't like the necro rule with only 2 days limit. Not only because that gaurantees the 3D megathread will die, but because it is too short. Sometimes I can't get on for a day or 2 or am busy. Should I be required to make a new thread just to reply to some posts? It is very extreme. Besides, this is in the Global Rules already, so it is redundant.
Considering it's a mega thread and the OP will probably not post there again, i think it's something that the mods will give you a pass on if your posting something worth while. But there is no real point in posting in an art thread that is 2 days old unless your the op.
Rename the MS paint rule, because people just call it the MS paint rule...
And, as you may guess, I still don't like the tags rule... What is the point of a rule that's only purpose is to make sure people read the rules? Seems pointless. Especially as constricted as it is, it has lost all of it's original intent that Stonewall had. I think you still remember so no need to remind you of that, but in the current form I see no need for it.