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last's really cool music thread
hi this is where i'm gonna be posting reviews, albums, ratings, and recommendations for music stuff so we dont have to be normal parenthesis scrubs

i'm gonna start the thread by listing some of my favorite albums of all time

1. ISIS - Panopticon

atmospheric post metal act from boston, ISIS, otherwise known as the single most consistent band to ever do it.

2. Boris - Flood

going from the most consistent band to the most consistent band boris, changing their sound with almost every record they produce they were bound to make a masterpiece eventually, landing on the trance like drone album Flood.

3. The Mars Volta - Frances the Mute

an absolute trip of story telling, frances the mute is the single greatest prog rock album to hit ears.
some cool obscure finds with brief descriptions:

15,000 guns self titled album:

an experimental post punk group that has the single strangest lyrics ever written, these guys rival black midi and squid in their sheer creativity.

if he dies he dies self titled ep:

really cool metal band with insane song structures, polyrythms, and screamo vocals.

kalahari surfers - own affairs:

some really funky dub from south africa that uses a lot of sampling, recorded during the height of some political shenanigans, features a lot of cool political speech samples
if you want some recommendations i've heard about 410 unique records in the past 2 years, so just send some genres you like and i can hook you up! !!
Last edited by Nurse; Apr 19, 2022 at 03:00 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
they aren't my favorite but i liked them
terrible comment i found about them
Last edited by Nurse; Apr 25, 2022 at 12:03 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
i recently picked up a shitty old cassette player, and I'm super excited i thought maybe i could make a really shitty acoustic project and record it onto a couple blank cassettes for that warm analog sound.

ordering some blanks while i type this, i'm surprised they still make blanks

here they are i didnt mention i got two but i did, excited to make terrible quality acoustic music its my favorite kind

Last edited by Nurse; Apr 30, 2022 at 12:44 AM.
i gotta get a bigger one because i cant transfer any of the cassettes back to my computer which is a problem if i'm trying to make it sound clean but still lo-fi