Re: Some of my cool fights
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that they're saying that you suck because instead of adding all your replays to one post, you made a bunch of different posts.
These are delicious links. You must click them.
Re: Some of my cool fights
Thats part of it, but he still does suck. He's trying to rack up posts without putting an effort in, but also, it's like he's under the impression that every fight he has is solid gold and everyone needs to see it when it really isn't worth watching.
Re: Some of my cool fights
The fact he added "(Even if it is to say i suck)" (Or to that effect) probably added to it too.

I'm yet to watch them but i'm going to cut him some slack.
Re: Some of my cool fights
I really could care less about how many posts i have. And about the attatchment things to rack up posts that was because im new and didnt know i could add more than one or two at first.