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Don't make spam posts.
Don't request ally posts, "Good Luck" Posts, and "Banner Request Posts"
Make your posts relevant to the current conversation
Posts that break any of the rules above will be warned and deleted.

Official Clan Discussion Rules


Official IRC Guide

Recruitment Thread

Total Wars = 0
Win = 0
Lose = 0

War History

xGodEnzx (Enzo)
(D) Diamonds
[M] Metal

Each member will have their art displayed here, and also clan grounds, armbands ect. will be displayed in this section as well.

Each member will be able to showcase their best replays in this section.
Last edited by Swaves; Apr 20, 2014 at 06:21 AM.
Hay guys, me as the new member of this clan, i just want to ask something about this clan, How about the clan banner, purpose of this clan and etc
Cool clan name you got going on, guys.

Reminds me of someone I know.

Forgive the invade. Won't happen again unless you permit me to drop by from time to time.
Originally Posted by Trocher3 View Post
Wow rainbow really sucks , swaves

I love the rainbow, makes me feel happy
Originally Posted by sinatrom View Post
Hay guys, me as the new member of this clan, i just want to ask something about this clan, How about the clan banner, purpose of this clan and etc

Welcome Sir! We are still waiting for Trocher to make us a banner *looks at trocher*
Originally Posted by Trick View Post
Cool clan name you got going on, guys.

Reminds me of someone I know.

Forgive the invade. Won't happen again unless you permit me to drop by from time to time.

Your allowed to enter sir, since your name is so sexy
Originally Posted by Trocher3 View Post
Lol trick.
By the way , how to sort member on ranks ?
Cant do shit

I think you drag their name into the new rank, after clicking "sort ranking".
Originally Posted by Kyle View Post
Change name again or somewhat?

Yes, we kept getting insults about naming it after a movie "I didn't even know there was a movie called "Frozen" when I made the thread :|
Originally Posted by Trocher3 View Post
Name change.
The amount of people relating us to movie is too damn much.

We must have got at least 10 people relate us to the movie...

Anyways, Today I did work experience for my local shire, doing football goal post erecting (digging holes, putting goalposts in them), clearing a fallen tree off bicycle path, and marking out a hockey field with a spraycan.
Morning! I got more work experience today, I will be back in about 6 hours.
Also I like your avatar fluz!