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Double Standards
"A rule or principle which is unfairly applied in different ways to different people or groups."

So, when I say this I am talking directly about sexes (or genders if you didn't get that). Who would you say double standards 'support' the most? Because in my opinion, men are seen as negative and evil people while women are seen as happy as can be people.

Here are some examples:

Rape - Women do it too.
Abuse - Women do it more.
Abuse Percentage - Men Receive More (40%). Mistake was made in my statistics <-- Noob

Now what I don't get is why when it comes to things like this rape is seen as a crime only men commit and abuse is seen as something a man would do to a women or another man.

You may remember this from a thread I made a while back about the right to defend yourself.

I still believe its bullshit that a man can't exactly defend themselves if you know what I am trying to say. Lets say a women tries to hit you and she started it, you have every right to defend yourself right? If you are to block and grab her hands then mission complete, you have avoided being ambushed by people who like to play hero. But if she hit you and you hit her back (harder) then you have the dicks who come in and play superman to protect that girl who started it.

I saw this video a while back of a girl repeatedly assaulting a man who was just walking past a shop and she hit the man like 3 times, the man hit her back and knocked her drunk ass out! Then the girl's friends thought it was right to protect her and try to hit the man back.

In my school we have some 'bitches' (I don't mean women, I just mean...bitches). They always talking about wanting to get with a guy then when that guy is fed up they lash out in fury! Aka - tell the world and get that guy in a load of shit! This annoys the living hell out of me. If a guy is to break up with a girl he has every right to be sad and do the same thing right? Of course then he would be bitched at for being "immature." because he is supposedly meant to "move on" and on that note I call: BULL SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!

Same goes for double standards that go against women, I wish I knew what those were so I could make this fair but I don't know any.

P.S. - I have nothing against women, love you all <3
Last edited by Kradel; Mar 11, 2014 at 08:34 PM.
The reason why we are sexist about things like this, is because we simply are a sexist country. Back in the day, it was worse, that is why there was a womens rights movement. Over time it hasn't gotten as bad but is still existent. Men usually don't get seen as rape victims or abuse victims because we (again, sexistness is showin) are seen as stronger than women, meaning we are letting them do it. We are seen as stronger therefore we are seen as able to defend ourselves from women. As i said before, men are just seen stronger and more powerful. feel free to disagree with me
Double standards exist, get over it. I don't see you complaining that women are expected to be clean and pretty, while men aren't expected to care about their appearance.


Originally Posted by raaage View Post
I don't see you complaining that women are expected to be clean and pretty, while men aren't expected to care about their appearance.

Men who don't care about their appearance are usually the ones not getting laid.

sry to burst ur bubble son
How are you?
Originally Posted by raaage View Post

Corollary: All women who complain about being raped by men are lesbians.

Do you actually believe this line of logic?
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Because this world are sexist , they thought women are weak , and men are strong , so if women do wrong , they don't mind it much because they're weak ,if men do that , they will be criticized because itsllllllll
Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
"A rule or principle which is unfairly applied in different ways to different people or groups."

So, when I say this I am talking directly about sexes (or genders if you didn't get that). Who would you say double standards 'support' the most? Because in my opinion, men are seen as negative and evil people while women are seen as happy as can be people.

Here are some examples:

Rape - Women do it too.
Abuse - Women do it more.
Abuse Percentage - Men Receive More (40%).

Now there are issues as to how rape is defined (forcible penetration being a definition that excludes female on male rape). However, this is endlessly talked up far beyond its prevalence.
It is entirely fair to say that males are the vast majority of rapists, and women are the majority of victims.
As for domestic violence, prepare to be statistics'd:
Originally Posted by WOOKIEPOODIO ([url[/url]) ]Although the exact rates are widely disputed, especially within the United States, there is a large body of cross-cultural evidence that women are subjected to domestic violence significantly more often than men.[193][194][195][196] In addition, there is broad consensus that women are more often subjected to severe forms of abuse and are more likely to be injured by an abusive partner.[195][196][197]

Go on. Look at those links. Now back to yours (actually, where are yours?).

Originally Posted by Kradel
Now what I don't get is why when it comes to things like this rape is seen as a crime only men commit and abuse is seen as something a man would do to a women or another man.

You may remember this from a thread I made a while back about the right to defend yourself.

I still believe its bullshit that a man can't exactly defend themselves if you know what I am trying to say. Lets say a women tries to hit you and she started it, you have every right to defend yourself right? If you are to block and grab her hands then mission complete, you have avoided being ambushed by people who like to play hero. But if she hit you and you hit her back (harder) then you have the dicks who come in and play superman to protect that girl who started it.

Actually, the law is entirely on the man's side here, presuming he uses a reasonable amount of force.

The societal and cultural double standard is a result of the perception of women as a weaker, more defenseless sex.
Originally Posted by raaage View Post
Double standards exist, get over it. I don't see you complaining that women are expected to be clean and pretty, while men aren't expected to care about their appearance.



Congratulations on a trifecta of an utterly useless "dealwithit", inaccuracy, and homophobia bundled into one awful, awful post!
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Hey look more than two lines.
I think sexism is everywhere, its a natural thing weather we think its right or wrong. Men are born with the intent of being stronger than women, with this in mind its only reasonable that rape to a woman is more criminal then the other way around.

As for abuse, think of it less as who gets abused more, but the severity of the abuse. My guess is that men will most likely let out a harder and more damaging attack. So yes men may get abused more, but a few cuts and scratches is nothing to a black eye and a bloody nose.
Originally Posted by raaage View Post
I don't see you complaining that women are expected to be clean and pretty, while men aren't expected to care about their appearance.
Men who don't care about their appearance are usually the ones not getting laid.

sry to burst ur bubble son

Additionally, men are pressured by the media to look good just as much as women. All you see in ads featuring male models are good looking men who are tall, dark and handsome, every single one of them with a six pack and bulging pecs.

Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
As for abuse, think of it less as who gets abused more, but the severity of the abuse. My guess is that men will most likely let out a harder and more damaging attack. So yes men may get abused more, but a few cuts and scratches is nothing to a black eye and a bloody nose.

I was always taught not to instigate a fight, but if the situation calls for it, hit back harder than you were hit. Going by this rule, if a woman is pysically abusing a man who then retaliates, she will obviously have the worse of the injuries. However, this is entirely justified, as he was merely defending himself.

As an outsider, you see a couple of scratches on the man's arm but the woman's face looks like it took a trip through a blender. You naturally assume that the man was abusing the woman. Of course, you would be wrong, but that doesn't matter. He's now in jail for abuse because you didn't get the full story or you were unwilling to listen to him.

Severity of injuries doesn't dictate the severity of abuse. Only with a full story will you be able to decide on who is in the wrong.
Last edited by hawkesnightmare; Mar 9, 2014 at 04:55 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Originally Posted by Redundant View Post

Additionally, men are pressured by the media to look good just as much as women. All you see in ads featuring male models are good looking men who are tall, dark and handsome, every single one of them with a six pack and bulging pecs.

I was always taught not to instigate a fight, but if the situation calls for it, hit back harder than you were hit. Going by this rule, if a woman is pysically abusing a man who then retaliates, she will obviously have the worse of the injuries. However, this is entirely justified, as he was merely defending himself.

As an outsider, you see a couple of scratches on the man's arm but the woman's face looks like it took a trip through a blender. You naturally assume that the man was abusing the woman. Of course, you would be wrong, but that doesn't matter. He's now in jail for abuse because you didn't get the full story or you were unwilling to listen to him.

Severity of injuries doesn't dictate the severity of abuse. Only with a full story will you be able to decide on who is in the wrong.

Thats assuming that there isnt a thing called court. I wasnt talking about self defense, I was speaking of abuse, one ended. Self defense is the next part and is not what this thread is technically about.
But (this is speaking from the point of America's standards) they don't just see the marks and go "well its clear he was abusing her put him in jail." Not to mention if it was self defense and he did beat the living shit out of her, then they should both go to jail. You dont have to break her nose and knock her teeth out to stop her from attacking you.