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[Serious]Thoughts on Abortion
In my opinion, Abortion is murder. By making it illegal it isn't taking away the rights of a woman, it's taking away the rights of the unborn child. Just because it can't speak for itself doesn't mean it's not a person too. Everyone has a right to life. I'd like to hear the opinions of others.
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As much as I am pro-abortion I am also pro-life. Children that will be born into an unjust situation shouldn't have to live through that. for example, handicapped children. do you really want to have them live a life of pain rather than them not being in pain in the first place? on other hands, 16 and pregnant may warrant an abortion.

tl;dr- just let the healthy ones that won't live a shitty life live. other ones can be aborted.
unless of course the handicap can be fixed through time. only exception.
This might sound weird and ofend some people:

I believe that God has a plan for every person, the baby you just aborted could have been the leader that led the US out of debt, it could have been the president of the US. Hell, the baby could have been a freaking genius and discovered how to use your thoughts to move items lol. What I am saying is that, abortion is worng and everyone should have a right to life, what happened to our right to life? they enforce our naturals rights (In the US, meaning right to LIFE Liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness) more than they do a newborn child's life. Here is a example:

These couple, man and woman try to have a baby; they fail everytime, while there was this drunk 16yrs girl who is now pregant. Which is better? Let the baby be put up for adoption so that it can live, or be killed.

Take a look at this while you are at it.
Originally Posted by Buze View Post
These couple, man and woman try to have a baby; they fail everytime, while there was this drunk 16yrs girl who is now pregant.

Adoption should be illegal. God has a plan for every one of us, if he wanted that couple to have a baby he would have given them one.

It makes me feel sick when people try and defy God like this. He's sending a very clear and loud message that he does not want them to have a child, yet people abuse their free will to go against Him.

Arglax Moderated Message:
Sarcasm is funny, but it doesn't belong here. Also, I think you mistook misspelled abortion there.

Also, I think it's unfair that the man gets no say in the abortion. If the woman goes through with the pregnancy the man still has to pay child support even if he wanted an abortion. Conversely if the man wants to keep the child, the woman can still get it aborted. There's a lot of asymmetry of rights between men and women, but I think it's a absurd that the woman is allowed to decide not only the fate of the child, but the fate of the man too.
Last edited by Arglax; Mar 17, 2014 at 01:55 PM.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
how is that story on-topic in any way

  • abortion is not infanticide
  • abortion is not murder
  • abortion is not some scary thing that should be the topic of creepypastas
  • only 0.08% of abortions are late-term abortions like the one's shown in buze's video
  • producing offspring is a function of a woman's body and as long as we all live in non-totalitarian nations, the government will never and should never have control over the functions of your body.

also, the fact that you bring the will of god into this astounds me.

if you went into the military and lost your legs after stepping on an IED, why should we give you a wheelchair? it must be the will of god that you should crawl on your hands for the rest of your life. hell, wheelchairs should be illegal. prosthetics too. they defy the will of our lord and savior.

and that's exactly the way abortion is. for some people, pregnancy is a handicap and abortion is their wheelchair. it allows them to continue leading the life they want to lead, and, surely, they have a right to that.

on top of that, it seems like most of you associate abortion with "drunk 16 year old" girls. however, more than half of abortions are performed on married women and nearly 60% have already had at least one live birth. abortion is not running away from responsibility. it's choosing responsibility over motherhood.

Originally Posted by Buze View Post
I believe that God has a plan for every person, the baby you just aborted could have been the leader that led the US out of debt, it could have been the president of the US. Hell, the baby could have been a freaking genius and discovered how to use your thoughts to move items lol.

now let's take a look at this quote and turn it around. let's use madame curie as an example.

madame curie is 20 and her abusive boyfriend has just gotten her pregnant. she's in college, studying chemistry and physics. her boyfriend finds out she's pregnant, and, fearing fatherhood, leaves her. madame curie is now alone with a choice between motherhood and a career.

madame curie was undoubtedly one of the finest scientific minds of the 19th and 20th centuries, and if it would have been illegal for her to have an abortion, we would have been well into the 21st century before we understood anything about radioactivity.

assuming that her and her unborn child have equal potential in life (a stretch, to say the least), why the hell would you choose the rights of an unborn, insentient fetus over the rights of a living human being with a will of her own? riddle me this, batman.
It's NOT up to the government to decide what women want to do with their bodies. Lets say a woman gets raped, she gets pregnant and she dies because of childbirth, lets say that if she aborted the baby earlier on she could of lived a full life. It's not up to "god" or anyone else's opinion of what the matter is. The reason why abortion is still legal is because of this reason.

The counter argument is that you're killing a person which is true but still. If women are pro life they can keep their babies however it's not fair to the rape victims who wouldn't have a choice. End of discussion.
Personal freedom is very important, and taking away the freedom to abort a child will cause more suffering than a prohibition would stop.
Take into consideration that a demand will be satisfied, even if it's prohibited.
Once upon a time when abortion was prohibited in general there were people called angelmakers who would illegally abort children. Needless to say that those people didn't tend to have a medical license and were prone to harming the women they treated severely.
If a woman chooses to abort a child she should have the means necessary to do it. Giving her the choice to do it does not mean that she will be able to do it without considering it thoroughly. Every abortion should have mandatory sessions with a psychotherapist who will try and learn the reasons why that woman wants an abortion and maybe suggest alternatives etc.

It is my personal belief that it would be morally correct to refrain from abortion and give a child up for adoption instead if there is nothing physiologically wrong with it. I would never enforce that belief on others through other means than a healthy discussion because that would cause suffering.
There are cases where childbirth would lead to unnecessary suffering of both mother and child, in that case I am all for abortion.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Adoption should be illegal. God has a plan for every one of us, if he wanted that couple to have a baby he would have given them one.

It makes me feel sick when people try and defy God like this. He's sending a very clear and loud message that he does not want them to have a child, yet people abuse their free will to go against Him.

Also, I think it's unfair that the man gets no say in the abortion. If the woman goes through with the pregnancy the man still has to pay child support even if he wanted an abortion. Conversely if the man wants to keep the child, the woman can still get it aborted. There's a lot of asymmetry of rights between men and women, but I think it's a absurd that the woman is allowed to decide not only the fate of the child, but the fate of the man too.

You didn't specify which god you are talking about so I am going to assume it's Zeus.
If Zeus has a plan for everyone of us I would like to see those plans, otherwise I will call it hear-say and claim that those plans are non-existant.
Furthermore, if Zeus wanted that men get say in the abortion maybe he should have developed the human body in a way that would allow people to exchange fetuses. That way the man could give childbirth and settle the dispute.
Last edited by Redundant; Mar 16, 2014 at 03:37 PM.
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