Original Post
horse stance
hey guys i need help i would know how do the horse stance if u had tips for me
thx u !
ps: je parle français aussi
Horse Stance goes as follows

Frame 10:

Extend Both Glutes
Extend Abs
Lower Shoulders
Contract Elbows


Frame 20:
Hold Glutes
Hold Knees
Hold Ankles
Hold Pecs


Thats a basic way to get to horse stance in any mod with -30.00 Gravity

Hoped i helped ^.^
Sorry i meant contract abs
Last edited by Lucci; Jan 15, 2016 at 04:45 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
just use hold, keep your abs contracted, keep your knees slightly bent, don`t go overkill with moving your joints (don`r contract all for example) and watch your ghost.

Klein Bottles only have one surface so they are the easiest thing to clean

for realism do

extend glutes
relax shoulders, neck, knees, wrists, elbows
contract abs, ankles, hips


press C until you're hold all again

relax neck, shoulders, wrists, elbows

Horse stance is pretty simple to do (just extend glutes and contract hips)

I would not recommend using it as an opener because it's not really a setup to get any momentum. It's kinda a typical noob move
Just you need extend glutes and contract hips and after you get horse pose, after hold all (c button). But this move it's to bad for toribash, please, don't use this in game with good players.

I wish you luck in everything and learn to play! It is best to find a teacher of realties , or just play with the usual bot by pressing Ctrl + M and selecting events or AkidoBigDojo narimer Mushu , what you like best .
Last edited by Jimangoo; Jan 23, 2016 at 01:43 PM. Reason: errors
If you wont duel, dont play this game.
I answer to him in french, since we are both french and can understand it more easily : Tu écartes légèrement les jambes, tu plies à moitié les genoux, tu poses tes pieds au sol de façon stable pour ne pas tomber en avant ou en arrière, c'est tout. Par contre, comme Glimpsed l'a dit, je ne te recommande pas de faire ça en tant qu'opener, ça va juste te bloquer dans tes mouvements. La position du cavalier doit être une position de transition entre deux autres mouvements, pas quelque chose qui va te bloquer dans une position statique.

Je te recommande également de t'inscrire à OFRO, l'organisation francophone officielle du jeu, tu y trouveras d'autres gars avec qui parler et échanger des techniques, montrer tes replays, etc.

Le lien pour OFRO :

Originally Posted by Glimpsed View Post
Horse stance is pretty simple to do (just extend glutes and contract hips)

I would not recommend using it as an opener because it's not really a setup to get any momentum. It's kinda a typical noob move

As an opener, indeed it is a very bad move for noobs. In general, as a concept to link two moves without static position, it isn't a noob move, a noob just can't perform that correctly. But yeah, it is a simple way to stay on feet, a very basic position.

My Youtube channel : Mocucha Toribash

A noob move is what you make it, those who can't connect horse stance to a common starter seem to new to understand horse stance.... Horse stance is a basic martial arts stance, those who have taken some sort of martial arts may be able to agree. Other then that I don't understand the discussion... Still tuning in.