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How do people forge flames ?
What is the process people go through to forge a flame ? someone please reply. This has been bugging me for many hours. Thank you.
In game, press ctrl and L

This will open the flame forger tab, from there fiddle around with the settings until you have a flame you want. Press create, where it will open a browser asking you to confirm.
:/ ima need alot of donations in my free shop or make a shop that sells for tc :/ this is gonna take me a while.

PS: Btw why would it cost that much if its a decent one i see them run for 60-70k so your really not getting any money
No one will pay excessive amounts for flames now that the subscription fee is gone. The only way to make any TC in the flame business is to be known to hold uncanny forging skills. e.g. FNuggets shop.