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Guide newer players - tips on main menu
Hello Toribash people,

I came up with a probably pretty simple idea to better address and guide newer players. As we all know Toribash has a pretty steep learning curve if you want to actually get better. There are "older" players using alts in low-belt rooms. Stuff like that.

So what do we have?

A pretty basic ingame tutorial and the forums. Whilst the forums are useful, it is not that visible that a forum even exists. When I started playing Toribash I didn't even know there was a forum for months. Additionally there is YouTube where you can find some good tutorials for basic and advanced stuff.

So what is my idea?
Simple: Just put in tips (maybe a scrolling text?) below the main menu. Small stuff or even directly telling "Hey, there is a forum where you can get help! Check it out!"

Why do I think this would help?

Newer players easily get bored/scared to play (online) simply because they keep losing. Most of the time (definitely not always) they will go like: "Meh, this game seems cool but it's way to hard for me. I'll just drop it." which is even more true considering that you can get Toribash through Steam. Effectively showing them that they can get some quick and helpful guidelines somewhere along the internet would probably drastically improve newer players experiences. (Yes, many people do know that the internet exists but most of them don't bother specifically searching for help. Guiding is better.)

Yes, the current tutorial is pretty crap. It tells you "here, press these buttons to do this cool decap move", but it would be much better to show the different joint states individually and show what they do.
It would also be great to show a quick presentation of the main mods - aikido, wushu, lenshu and tk, showing how the general gameplay works, and maybe a tip or two on how to play it.

Loading screen-style tips would work fine in the main menu, with some general advice, for example
*You can change the controls in the main menu (almost no one uses standar controls anyway)*
*Relaxing a limb when it's about to strike gives you more power*
*the forum has advice and tutorials on how to become better*
Do stuff like that, and we instantly have a more beginner-friendly game.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore