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[WIP]TRichard21's Lets make the perfect Parkour Mod
Hey there all you Parkour fans

Now I have been debating weather to create a multipurpose Parkour mod for quite a while now .
By this I mean a full 360 area where you can position your players anywhere you want and still get from point A to point B with style .

Now the player positioning will have 3 or 4 positions that i will provide so you only have to type it in Game Rules instead of figuring it out for your self . I will also give a qucik tutorial on how use the PlayerPosition for other mods, its easyer than you think guys .

So This is what we need :

What kind of enviroment should this be located in ?
(urban , downtown, high rise...)

What should be incorperated in the mod ?
(long jumps , vaults, wall running, chains, bars , movable objects...)

What positions will the players start at ?
Remeber each can be in different spots
( ground , high up, on a ledge....)

Keep in mind that this Parkour mod wont be like the others . So it wont be a race or a long run . Think of it as a park and be realistic about it. This is a stunt mod for tricks ,acrobatics and sparring if thats your fancey.

Post some photos of spots,links or drawn designs so I can have a better layout of what we want and remeber to be creative !


Hey dude,
This idea is amazing, I was waiting for something like this.
In reallife the most famous spots are in cities so you should create a mod like "Toricity.tbm", just add higher buildings, to get a better "city" feeling.
There should be 4 starting positions, two on the ground and two on buildings.
My favourite obstacles are: Small things to vault ; fence's between two buildings would be great; small walls to climb up (they need to be small to get up without grab!<-- IMPORTANT)
Anyway, great idea

Here an example of "fence's between two buildings"

[GU] [RL][Epic Replay Theard][Realism Player][deviantART]
This is a great idea.

I love parkour, and I'd imagine that this image would make a nice mod:

Of course,we don't have enough objects for that, but a few smaller mods (maybe cut the city in fourths, and give each one a mod) would be pretty cool.
Just a suggestion.
hmmmm, I like where your going with this . I can add a section from this and i may use this for upcoming mods aswell . Good job !
Originally Posted by supahninja View Post
This is a great idea.

I love parkour, and I'd imagine that this image would make a nice mod:

Of course,we don't have enough objects for that, but a few smaller mods (maybe cut the city in fourths, and give each one a mod) would be pretty cool.
Just a suggestion.

Great idea.
[GU] [RL][Epic Replay Theard][Realism Player][deviantART]

I say we go from that design guys , so i have added colored circles around the possible foudation of the mod . Its easy to count the objects needed to create the layout so take that into consideration and remeber the less objects used for the foundation , the more enviromental objects i can add .

Which one should we use ?
Last edited by TRichard21; Jun 9, 2011 at 06:33 PM.
Originally Posted by TRichard21 View Post

I say we go from that design guys , so i have added colored circles around the possible foudation of the mod . Its easy to count the objects needed to create the layout so take that into consideration and remeber the less objects used for the foundation , the more enviromental objects i can add .

Which one should we use ?

Well, to me at least, the blue circle seems a little too simple/easy.
Green looks to be about the same level as blue, except for the solitary block in the lower left. That looks a bit tough.
Red seems like a nice challenge.
Yellow looks about the same as red, maybe a little easier.

I'd say, since this is intended for people of varying skill levels, to do something like red, but maybe find a way to make it a bit easier.

But another suggestion could be this newly-added orange circle:
Last edited by supahninja; Jun 9, 2011 at 06:46 PM.
I agree with the orange , but remeber that if you want the enviroment to have more bars , chains and what not we need less objects for the foundation . Take a second look at the sections and think of what you could add in the section .

Like the green of for say .. i see a zip line between the gap of the large single pillars .

or the yellow ... Starting from the left side on the wall , jumping down to the second wall and across the next one for a flip dismount