View Poll Results: What should are joining policy be like?
Let no-one in
1 Votes / 14.29%
Be invite only
5 Votes / 71.43%
Make it harder to join
0 Votes / 0%
Increase Max Belt
0 Votes / 0%
Stay the same
1 Votes / 14.29%
Voters: 7. You may not vote on this poll
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Original Post
Members Amount!
Well it seems that we are in the need for a vote, the poll has 5 different things you can vote for:

Let no-one else in!
Well we put a cap on our members, if someone leaves we have a vacancey so we can let someone in but keep to our cap of # people.

Lets be an invite only clan
We make it so we can only invite members which will only be a certain few who in my opion and box's have good taste.

Make our testing format alot harder
Make it almost impossible to pass so only the ub3r 1337 can get in.

Make the minimum belt higher
Yeah, if you choose this one what belt?

Stay the same
^^^^ yeah

Last edited by Suspect; Nov 17, 2008 at 10:14 AM.
I reckon just we let no one else in, and kick a few inactives, that way we can replace them with more active and "better" people/robots
Yeah. the inactive members that dont post in the next activity check which should be soon-ish will most certainly be kicked.
Seems pretty much set in concrete, we will now be invite only.

We have also increased the min-belt to 3rd dan. Dont be scared if your below that fellow members. You still in.