I used to eat like about 5 packets of biscuits/chips a day, but now I have suspicions that I have Diabetes So I only eat 1 packet a day, I also goto the school gym 3 days a week and do some Bench Presses.
Dose is dead.
Work out and eat (fairly healthy)

Bench Press
Dead lift
Push ups

And also I don't drink soda at all, dont drink coffee, dont drink energy drinks, etc.
I don't eat candy often, don't eat chips often, Rarely if never eat fast food.
I do enjoy donuts a lot though.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
I'm 17, 6'3 and I weigh 180.

I mainly either go to the gym or longboard.
go to the gym 4 days a week on average

lax all day

eat mostly healthy stuff

5'10, 150 lb - got a high metabolism
I don't do anything in particular and I'm very healthy, I got very good habits so I don't pay attentions to those things.
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to be honest i dont do much so besides the casual sports teams but for food intake i dont pay much attention
2worlds is the best at exersizing, I think, the 2nd one is Cole. And me of course is first.
The pig will kill you