Singleplayer: 1h
Multiplayer: Around never
forum (shift+f doesn't work for me so don't flame): 3h
I dont play that much anymore, I dont like losing. Its not fun to lose and if you think otherwise you lose too often. (by definition that makes someone a Loser)

I occasionally go on Singleplayer and decide to make a few replays.
Originally Posted by Mzebra View Post
Its not fun to lose and if you think otherwise you lose too often. (by definition that makes someone a Loser)

lol do you have bashful testicle syndrome or something? just chill out and take things less seriously and losing isn't a big deal
Approaching zero. You'd have to ask me about hours per year if i am to give a non-zero number. :U
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Depends on how I'm feeling. I play at least an hour a day but if I do well in multiplayer I can play for 8-12 hours.