Original Post
Loosen up the rules
This website is, at the very least, stuck up when it comes to posting. I know message boards are overused, but get rid of some of the rules. Lighten this place up a little bit. No one wants to sit through this and moderating things is probably 10 times easier than on a super active board.
tbfh this game would be a lot funner if the rules were less, like a father who abuses his kid, this community need to be friendly and less dumber when it come with the rules
tbh im slowly leaving the game simply cuz of the rules and the community as a whole.

shit i might get back flash from this but oh well shit need to end.
"one thread at a time good sir"= backseat moderation (chirs: ah yes big brain time)"
Originally Posted by mason222 View Post
tbfh this game would be a lot funner if the rules were less, like a father who abuses his kid, this community need to be friendly and less dumber when it come with the rules
tbh im slowly leaving the game simply cuz of the rules and the community as a whole.

shit i might get back flash from this but oh well shit need to end.

can you be more specific
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up