Original Post
[GM] Project: Self Destruction
This event is a part of PROJECT series.
What is PROJECT series? Four different SP events in which you get points to PROJECT ranking.
Player with the most points after all events gets bonus prize.

(Banner/Dividers made by 8OJ4N)

Well, it's quite simple. We, uhh... want you to destroy yourself. Yes that's right, make a classic replay of you dismembering as many pieces of yourself as you can. No fancy shmancy style points, just the raw dismemberments.

Maximum frames: 500
Do NOT change gravity
Do NOT change dismemberment threshold
Do NOT change any options that will give you an advantage over other players (use common sense)
Do NOT replay hack.
You will only have 200 frames after the first dismemberment
Any dismemberments after the first 200 frames from the first dismemberment will not be counted towards the DM count.

Entrance form:

DM count:
(Attach replay)

+ 8 PROJECT points

+ 4 PROJECT points

+ 2 PROJECT points


2 weeks from this post.
May 22nd

Using self damage makes it much easier. I think a few people would be able to get total self dms this way.
(╯°□°)╯︵ pɐǝɹɥʇ ʎɐldǝɹ
Here's a failed attempt to beat jisse.
Username: SparChar
DMs: 14 (correct me if I'm wrong)
Attached Files
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
So i assume self DM is on, (Even thou you can Dm yourself without it, Which is Alot harder to do). Also do i just count them up or is there a command to check the DMs?
Last edited by FistofLife; May 10, 2013 at 08:58 AM.
Originally Posted by pusga View Post
Not what I thought at all. I thought about beating yourself up without using self damage.
I assumed so because the book of records doesn't accept full self dms with self damage, and the replay I posted didn't use any of it :U I guess I thought it was like that because I knew you could do it without the self dm anyway.

I made it pretty clear that the only thing that mattered was the DM count and not using uke or other modifiers to give you an advantage.
Originally Posted by sham View Post
other modifiers to give you an advantage.

Self damage fits in pretty well
oh yeah
Originally Posted by pusga View Post
Self damage fits in pretty well

I think you're on a different page as the rest of us...

What do you mean by 'self damage'?

Also you're the only one confused here, it's pretty simple.
Turning self damage on a replay allows you to do normal damage to yourself upon impact, and in result you can dm yourself.
But without self damage you can still dm yourself, it's just much harder, for example getting an impact with a lot of force or swinging a piece to hard that it dismembers.
I assumed that it was a standart since the book of records does not allow it for self dismemberment records.
And it would just be really bloody hard to write it on the original post, wouldn't it?
oh yeah
Pusga is right, turning self damage on makes things a lot easier.
If we tie with our 17 DMs, I want him to have the better prize.