Original Post
New Recruitment Thread
If you don't have access to the private board, or if you've not noticed yet, we have a new recruitment thread. Just a few heads up before you get all excited and post within it. Other than player applications, and direct notification to the applicant regarding their application, such as application status and other requirements, there is to be no posts allowed. I've noticed way too much spam on the old recruitment thread and it made it hard for me to find pending applications. There is to be no discussion on application or messages stating opinion on application, as that is to be discussed in the private board. Any posts outside of these standards will be deleted. I believe that is it.
[Ele] Leader | [Bleu] Supervisor | Artists' Co-op
Great job man!

But if the decisions will be made in Arcanaic Dimension, you could explain that the applicant can not post here until the decision be made. Agree?
Last edited by Morbid; May 5, 2012 at 03:25 AM.
Originally Posted by guyoliveirah View Post
Great job man!

But if the decisions will be made in Arcanaic Dimension, you could explain that the applicant can not post here until the decision be made. Agree?

Agree, sir
u wot m8
Originally Posted by guyoliveirah View Post
Great job man!

But if the decisions will be made in Arcanaic Dimension, you could explain that the applicant can not post here until the decision be made. Agree?

When an application is posted, a message such as this would be replied:

Thank you for applying. Your application is being discussed and in pending process. You will be contacted for further instruction regarding our application process through PM and/or on this thread. If you have any other questions or concerns, send a private message to me [or any other responsible person].

Just as a thumb of rule, first person to reply to the applicant and correspondingly create the discussion thread in the private board has lead responsibility of applicant, therefore, any concerns should be regarded to replier, and private messages should be sent from replier, this keeps consistency as the applicant does not get confused by who is who. Other than the replier, the referrer could also hold responsible, so therefore it is best for the referrer make the response to the application, so referral can be confirmed whilst creating the thread.
[Ele] Leader | [Bleu] Supervisor | Artists' Co-op
In case it hasn't been made clear enough.

Other than player applications, and direct notification to the applicant regarding their application, such as application status and other requirements, there is to be no posts allowed.

Why? Because
too much spam on the old recruitment thread and it made it hard for me to find pending applications.

Once again.
There is to be no discussion on application or messages stating opinion on application.

Failure to heed to this will result in me pasting this message into all future posts made by the offender.
In regards to this, only post 'Accepted' or 'Denied' in regards to their app. And I only want guardians to do this. Such as Guy, Unk, Me, Pizza, Etc.

Also, I think it only fair that the person responsible for them PM RIGHT AFTER their app info is posted in dimension, and let them know we are assessing their app.

And. On a further note, Pizza mentioned he would like to put a link on the app so people can find their GMT. Because some people don't know how to google.
I think the voting process should be explained in the Recruitment thread to make things very clear to the applicant, explaining that the application will be voted among the members, that he will receive a PM, that he can not post here during the voting process, etc. All this in the thread and such...


-And if two or more members, send the PM at the same time? How will we know if any other member has not sent the PM with the informations before us? How many votes must receive the applicant to be accepted?

Also, I have already pointed out, commenting on some applications, a site that provides the time zone, just look. And yes, is good post it, will help...
Last edited by Morbid; May 7, 2012 at 01:25 PM.
Guy. the person that posts his app in the dimension is fully responsible for his judgment, in this case, he is pizza's problem, understood?
Only the "reference" can send the PM and create the thread then? And if two threads are created at the same time?

That still does not answer my question:
Originally Posted by guyoliveirah
-And if two or more members, send the PM at the same time? How will we know if any other member has not sent the PM with the informations before us? How many votes must receive the applicant to be accepted?

Last edited by Morbid; May 7, 2012 at 01:38 PM.