Shit... I dont even know...
I'm Zikyulo and im pissed off. So after work one day i wanted to get on and play some toribash. I noticed i wasn't logged in... i tried to log in and my password failed (also was out of [Yes]. So i did the usual and had tb send me a new password to my e-mail. From there i check my e-mail and of course i cant find it (even searched may scam and had them send it twice).

So what im trying to say is that i have no clue what had happened. So i had to make an alt (TenNumbers). I will continue to try and get Zikyulo back, but for now i think he's fucked. Sorry for this complication and i would love to get back in Yes.

Erm, sry Zikyulo, but somehow noone is here to answer you, and I am not even a co-leader anymore, so I don't think I am able or allowed to decide this on my own.

Cruel world
All Applications are Closed Until Further Notice.
Have a Good Day.

Yes is now Invite only, If you are interested in Joining, PM One of the Leaders.