Original Post
Sorry to anounce
This is where I take my leave, whomever jugg believes to be a good member, he can operate as the new co-leader, or whatever :P

It's been fun guise, take care, all of you.

-Nothin' personal.

This is the only occasion I will ever make huge font/bold font's

Have Fun, Don't worry about the Server, you don't have to worry about me doing anything to it,

(also, I'd like to shortly interupt this program with a boast, I has a new guitar, I has a new guitar!!! )
<hanz0> Once upon a time... NUCLEAR WINTER!
<Iburnaga> I would suck to get anally raped. XD
/sorry to invade

Soku im sure the clan will miss you and I know you really did a lot for them, please dont make this one step to leaving Toribash, its great to have you here ;]

oh and I like the bit on the new guitar, thats actually why im here :]

Good luck on your journey further

It's a BEAST
Originally Posted by Velve View Post
What kind of guitar is it?

It's a B.C. Rich Avenged Son of Beast
Guitar Center through in some emg pickups, new strings, polished it
(it was fresh out of the box and they polished it O.o)

The overlay's on the neck are interesting, hard to miss, it actually helps me play some how, it has 24 frets, my last guitar was a peice of junk, the strings were extremely close together, and this one makes it easy as wind to sweep up and down on :o

I can hear a big difference in non-distortion and distortion, it's just beautiful

eventually (I has mic, FL8, and Recording Stuff) I might let some of you listen to me play
<hanz0> Once upon a time... NUCLEAR WINTER!
<Iburnaga> I would suck to get anally raped. XD
I also play guitar!

my guitar is rusy and the strings dont quite touch the frets too well D:

What program do you plan on using for your recording btw?
Possible Audacity :o
It records nice, and removes sound pretty well

Chac: I wish xD
<hanz0> Once upon a time... NUCLEAR WINTER!
<Iburnaga> I would suck to get anally raped. XD
Originally Posted by Chac View Post
We got jiggy with it, it was like a horse riding contest

I got 1st place
<hanz0> Once upon a time... NUCLEAR WINTER!
<Iburnaga> I would suck to get anally raped. XD
*salps chac*

Ye well I use cubase :P but my guitar has too much ringing so it sounds shit!

Im planning on getting a fender, have to look around for something that suites my taste first though.
Fenders are alright, there's better for around that price range tho :o
I guess it all depends on what kind of music you play ;)
<hanz0> Once upon a time... NUCLEAR WINTER!
<Iburnaga> I would suck to get anally raped. XD