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Why do we always want what we can't have?
I've been wondering this a lot lately. Humans tend to desire things that they weren't intended to have, or simply cannot obtain, for reasons unknown. One of my questions is, why do we want what isn't available to us?

It's seen throughout these forums. People who want <blank> item, even though they know they cant. Very good example is flames. Only a few people have them, and in the Market thread, you can see people desperately bidding away on the few flames that are in existence. I am one of these, I'm not denying it.

However impossible some things seem though, they can be seen as the cause of many improvements (so called) to society. Humans wished to move faster than their legs would carry them, so they used horses, and later cars. Humans wished to travel over water, boats were made. Humans wished to fly, thus planes were created. These are but a few items that have been invented that have contributed to the forward movement of society. Guns, computers, cameras, all of these have been created out of some impossible human dream.

Does this odd desire for the impossible, prove to be vital to our progression as a race? Why does this desire exist in the first place? Discuss
<insert (something) here>
Ive also been wondering too.

Im usually wondering how we can see right now, communicate, think, it all seems really weird if you think really hard.

also, Ive wondered if people see colors differently. their just born seeing differently than everyone else

since their born with those colors being seen all the time, they grow up not knowing that their perspective of colors is totally different along with everyone elses. that could explain how people have different likings for color combinations, it could even be like that for hearing, cause people have different styles of music tastes.
Maybe the desires part of the human's survival instincts?

Crossing water would mean getting to more food. Making fire allowed us to keep warm, and no doubt once over we wanted that ability. Once over wars were about a race wanting to survive.

These days it seems to have diluted into crappy things that don't really do us any good. "I WANT A NEW CONSOLE!" Yeah, that's gonna help the species loads. ;)

Though the urge to get chicks drunk so they think you're attractive is pretty primeval... We've gotta reproduce some how! XD

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by Diealready View Post
Ive also been wondering too.

Im usually wondering how we can see right now, communicate, think, it all seems really weird if you think really hard.

also, Ive wondered if people see colors differently. their just born seeing differently than everyone else

since their born with those colors being seen all the time, they grow up not knowing that their perspective of colors is totally different along with everyone elses. that could explain how people have different likings for color combinations, it could even be like that for hearing, cause people have different styles of music tastes.

It depends on what you mean by differently. I read an article on why we like different music, it has to do with relating it to real life things and something about preferences of certain things that we are all born with. If you mean different as in completely different, random sounds then no, and the same goes for colors. We all learned them just the same when we were children and our brains are all created the same way. Its illogical to think that everything we see and hear may be different based off the fact that people have different preferences.