Oh, hey, since no one locked this down, I randomly decided to dump the contents of my ToribashDesign/Flame folder. Enjoy!

Videos ought to still be on my youtube channel (see sig).

And now, for some stats from when I kept logs of everything I sold. Over the course of this shop:
Total price of forging: 14,051,800
Total paid: 18,747,900
Profits: 4,770,300
Average price of forging: 76,716
Average paid: 103,669
Average profit: 26,953
Standard deviation for price of forging: 19,475
Standard deviation for paid: 37,023
Standard deviation for profit: 22,867
For this, I love you the way, only a mother lion could love her cub.
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''