Original Post
Jolly Roger Event - Rule Book
First, I'm sorry that I had to open this thread on your DSC but doing it on our unofficial DSC would be messy. All kind of ppl will come here and read this, and it's not possible to find it easy if its under 5-10 pages of our unofficial DSC.

Rule book is almost finished , and it is open to changes and suggestions, in ''reasonable'' amount.

Things in red are new additions!

JR event - MAP and explanations of map, rules, etc

Map presented here is just for explanation, real map will be bigger, have more spots and travel lines, and it will have simple counterpart that will be updated after each turn like the map we used for Usurper event.

Look at the map. It is presenting land masses on the sea, cities presented as orange spots, travel lines presented as white lines with white spots that are measurement units of distance u must travel from one city/island to another, there are also boats, merchant boats presented as orange boats, pirates, presented as orange boats with flags (red and green) and English navy boat presented as blue boat. There are also two yellow city spots with blue circles around it.

Explanation of the map symbols and things on map:

Travel lines – Ship movement – Ships - Towns

White lines connecting one spot to another are travel lines. They have white notches on them, which are measurement units of the distance between two spots. Three notches means that you must move three spaces before you reach your destination (city spots are also taken in consideration as a moving place). If your ship have speed of 3 it can move 3 places, 2 places or just 1 place. Moving on the city spot is considered as anchorage.

Look at the merchant ship that is traveling from Silent Hill to Ragun. We know he is traveling from that spot to another by the direction he is facing. We also can see that he must travel 2 more spaces to come to his destination – Ragun.
Merchant ships travel from one point to another delivering goods until they are destroyed. Upon destruction of one merchant ship another one start making his deliveries on some other travel line (random made). There are always 3 merchant ships on the map, at any time, doing their delivers, back and forth, until they are plundered/sunk/destroyed.

Look at the pirate ship that is anchored at the Tortuga spot. You can be anchored at any spot, any amount of time, not moving. In this case, red flag pirate ship is anchored on the safe location. Safe locations are presented by yellow spots with blue circles around them. On the safe locations pirates are safe from English navy and other pirates. You can’t attack safe location spots.

Blue ship, traveling from Port Crow to Lagutown is an English navy ship. English navy ships are doing their sweeps looking for pirates and trying to destroy them. They gain TC for successful destruction of the pirate ship. When the English navy ship is destroyed, it will re-spawn again in the town spot (will be marked with the different colour, probably blue) after two days (2 days of real time, so destroyed English ship is missing two days of event). There are 3 English navy ships in game.

Orange ship with the green flag is a pirate ship, travelling from Lagutown to Amerigo. Pirate ships are attacking merchant ships and take their goods (described with the TC amount that merchant ship carry). They can also attack other pirate ships, English navy ships and town spots.

Attacking merchant ship is easy, you just have to come into the same spot where he is, upon that merchant ship is plundered/sunken and removed from the game (he will re-spawn again next day on some other location) and you gain TC (depending of the size of the merchant, bigger merchant ships give bigger amount of TC)
Since there are three sizes of pirate and merchant ships (small, medium and large) this limits what kind of merchant ship u can plunder. Large pirate ship can plunder large, medium and small merchant ship, but small pirate ship can only plunder small merchant ship.
This does not limit the battle between pirates and English navy ships. It is possible for small pirate ship to attack large pirate ship, but the outcome is in favor toward the larger ship. Same goes for fights between English navy ships and pirate ships.
Notice: English navy doesn’t have small size ships, only medium and large!

Battle between pirates and English navy ships

Upon coming on the same spot on the travel line occupied by different pirate ship u can engage in fight with that ship. It is called attacking/boarding. You can also decide not to attack that ship, same goes for the ship that you encountered.
Notice: This is not possible if the one ship is pirate ship and the other one is English navy ship. They attack each other by default!

Upon engaging in attacking/boarding the ship that defends have a right to chose in which mod of Toribash the crew members will fight with each others. Mods can be: aikido, wushu3, ninjutsu and lenshu3 no grab.

Fight between boat crew members are decided like the clan war fights!
Since different sizes of boats have different amount of crew members it is logical that the boat with larger number of crew will win the fight, but also it is not a definite. Fight between 2 against 3 would go this way:
- Defender chose a mod
- One crew member of defender and one crew member of attacker play one game in that mod
- Winner stays, loser is out of the fight, next crew member enters and fight
- Last crew member standing has gain the win for the whole ship
- Losing ship is sunken, winning ship takes the loot

Notice: Due to GMT problems it is possible for one player to act as a substitute for his missing (couldn’t come because of GMT or real life obligations) clan mate (crew member).

It is possible to attack town

In that case, one crew member presenting his ship (captain) must fight me (or someone who I chose) in one game [edited, sorry ] of mod that I chose.

What u gain: 10 K TC
What u can lost: TC (30% of it) or if u don’t have any - your ship!

Advice: Leave towns be, merchants don’t fight back.

Loot and resolves

When pirate ship destroys another pirate ship he gains 70% of the TC that was in possession of the defeated ship. Defeated ship is sunken, out of the game, but can enter again in the event if he buys another ship.

When pirate ship destroys merchant ship he gains amount of TC that merchant ship carried.

When pirate ship destroys English navy ship he gains fame. His Fame rises by one point. For every 3 points of fame that ship gains extra TC amount for every merchant and other pirate ship he sunk.
Notice: English navy ship re-spawns after 2 days in event on the marked location and they do not lose their money they collected by killing pirates, their money is always ''in the bank''.

When English navy ship destroys pirate ship it gains large amount of TC. It also gains one point of fame. For every 3 points of fame that ship will get extra TC for every pirate ship he destroys in future. [Small pirate = 15 K bounty, medium pirate = 22 K bounty, large pirate = 30 K bounty] for every 3 points of gained fame add 30% to bounty!
Notice: Pirate ship destroyed by English navy do not lose their money that they have plundered so far. Their TC amount is safe after encounter with the English navy ship!


It is possible to anchor your ship on the travel line that merchant use and just wait for him to come to you. It is also possible to intimidate small ships by blocking their travel lines. Not all spots are connected directly, by using blockades to your advantage you can score some goods and apply your tactic to this game.
Ship that is anchored can't initiate combat when other ship comes to his spot, but it can be attacked by that other ship. Also, anchored ship can only initiate combat when it is his turn to play.
Blockade works best against merchants and when you wish to hold branching point of travel lines in that way that you can control passage of other ships by your actions.


Merchants, neutral faction, moved by AI, going between towns/islands carrying goods.

Pirates, 6 clans, moved by clan that is applied for event.

English navy, 3 clans, moved by clan that is applied for event.

Jolly Roger, undead pirate lord, moved by clan Jolly Roger. Defender of his legendary treasure. (re-spawns like English navy ship if he is destroyed)

Ship sizes and characteristics:

Small Merchant ship – carry 10 K
Medium Merchant ship – carry 15 K
Large Merchant ship – carry 20 K

Merchant ship moves with speed 1.

Small Pirate Ship – 1 cannon, 2 crew members, speed 3 = 10 K
Can plunder only small merchant ships.

Medium Pirate Ship – 3 cannons, 3 crew members, speed 2 = 15 K
Can plunder small and medium merchant ships.

Large Pirate Ship – 4 cannons, 4 crew members, speed 1 = 20 K
Can plunder small, medium and large merchant ships.

Medium English navy ship – 3 cannons, 3 crew members, speed 2 = 18 K
Large English navy ship – 4 cannons, 4 crew members, speed 1 = 22 K

Notice: English navy players don’t need to pay for re-spawn. But they lose 1 point of fame (if they had any)


Main goal – to collect 6 pieces of the golden skull which will trigger the last phase of event: Jolly Roger island will become visible on map and the one who have all pieces of the skull will be able to attack it. If he wins he gain the main prize

Destroy all other competition – retire wealthy pirate! :]


While you can kill others to gain their pieces of the golden skull and try to take the full prize for yourself, you can also work together! If three players manage to gain 6 pieces it is desirable that they come into agreement and decide which one of them fight with the Jolly Roger at the end and try to take the main prize. They can split prize between themselves later. Better that then to end up empty handed.

World is tough on pirates. While u can kill your fellow pirate, it is better to work together and destroy English navy, cover each other’s, and evade the perils.

Use blockade whenever it is possible, use safe locations when it’s ’’hot around your heels’’, be wise.

Special boats carrying skull pieces and cards

Since the main goal in the event is to collect 6 pieces of the golden skull, and by doing that, open new location on map, Jolly Roger Island, there are special boats that carry that item.
Those boats spawn on map on random location and start their trip between two towns/islands like any other regular merchant, but they spawn after every 3 rd merchant ship is sunken.
Those boats will be marked with the golden skull symbol.
When you plunder ship with the golden skull item, u collect that item, it is in your possession until you got destroyed. When you are destroyed you lose all golden skull items, they go into possession of the clan which sunk your ship.
Only Pirates can attack and plunder ships that carry golden skull.
English navy also can collect golden skull items, but only by sinking pirate ships that have that item in their possession.
Transfer of the golden skull item goes always to the winning ship.
Notice: It is possible to ’’struck a deal’’ and use collected items together (deal between same fraction, pirates can’t deal with English navy), and by that open the location for the final fight. But only one pirate/English navy ship (chosen one) can fight Jolly Roger for the main prize.

There are also special cards.
One special card will spawn in the town/island at the beginning of event day. You must attack and win the town, thus getting the card. When u got the card it stays in your possession until you use it. When you use the card it is removed from the game.
After the card is collected another one will spawn at the beginning of next event day.
Notice: Only Pirates can collect and use cards!
There are 12 cards. 6 that can help u win during games in Toribash and 6 that can help you on map. These cards are in rotation, meaning: as you collect and use them, they spawn again until all of them are collected and used.
You use ’’map cards’’ before you execute your movement/turn.
You use ’’game cards’’ before the fight in Toribash.

Description of the event flow

First part of event is: Application.

Every clan that have DSC can participate.
When you apply you must state the name of your clan, name of your ship, your fraction (pirates or English navy), and which size of the ship are u buying (that will be your entry fee).
Order of apply for the event it also order by which you will play your turn on map. That means, if u apply first u will play first, if u apply third, you will play third, etc. This order will also decide your starting position on the map (will be marked with roman numbers from I to VII) while English navy ships will have their starting locations in town/islands also marked with roman numbers from I to III).
One ship per clan. You can always buy new ship later, if you got destroyed. That also gives you ability to chose your starting location.

Second part of the event starts after all the spots are filled (3 for English navy, 1 for Jolly Roger and 6 for pirate lords)

After that, every day there will be opened room in Toribash at agreed time, you just come to IRC (we will have channel) 20-15 min. before room opening. You will need opened browser with the map that will be used for event. That map will be updated after every turn, so you will also have to refresh the web page after every map update.

How is it played:

- At the day of event, by the order of apply every clan will play their turn
- You announce your movement like this:
Going from [point A] to [point B] with speed [number]
- if u stand on merchant ship u gain TC
- if u stand on other fraction ship u can initiate combat or not, depending which fraction u encountered, same goes for standing on town
- combat is resolved
- map is updated
- you refresh web page with map
- next clan in order plays their turn
- when all clans finish their turns we play another sequence

You can miss your turn, that will be considered as anchoring the ship.

Every day of event we will play 3-5 these turn sequences. Depending how much time contestant can spend playing.


In game helping cards:

I – Luck – add 5 K to your points at the end of the game. Maybe it will help.
II – Courage – you can lose this fight only if opponent dms some of your body part or you dq, points doesn’t matter.
III – Stun – your opponent must stay in uke position 2 turns
IV – Cowardice – Your opponent have run from the fight, you are the winner!
V - Hard hitting – add 10 K to your points at the end of the game.
VI – Immortal – u can be killed in this game only if opponent decaps you or you dq

On map helping cards:

I – Cannonade – decimate crew of the ship by 1. Use this card upon attack.
II – Favorable Wind – add +3 to your ship speed for next 3 turns
III – We are the pirates! – merchant ship close 1 space to your location surrendered, collect TC. Use this after or before you execute movement on map
IV – Change flag – Use this card if u get attacked by English navy ship. You changed ships flag and eluded the pursuers.
V – Intimidate – pirate ship close 1 space to your location gave u 50 % of his loot. Use this card before or after you execute your movement.
VI – Jolly was Jolly – if u get attacked by Jolly Roger ship use this card to teleport yourself to closest safe spot on the map. You still lose 10 % of your loot though. Jolly was Jolly!

Goals and Prizes

Main prize: 220 K = you can collect this prize if u collect all 6 pieces of the golden skull and defeat Jolly Roger crew in the last fight - the moment you have 6 pieces of the skull you are transported to the Jolly Roger island and have last fight for the treasure!

Side prize: last pirate standing takes all the money he collected so far and can decide to continue quest toward the main prize or ''retire'' with the Tc he collected so far

Special prize: for most famous pirate/English navy captain - that who has the most points of fame from both fractions will get 50 K

Event will end if:

1. No more alive pirates on the map
2. Just one pirate is left on the map and he chooses to ''retire''
3. One or group of pirates collect all 6 pieces of the golden skull after which one of them will have fight for the main prize, if he win he collect the prize or dived it with others pirate captains, or if he loses alive pirates on map will ''retire'' with the TC they gathered so far
4. It is possible that English navy captain(s) use 6 pieces of the skull to collect main prize, after that win or lose, event is over
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Mar 25, 2011 at 09:49 PM.
Explanation of ''randomness'' in game.

There will be 12 towns/islands, by using dices I will spawn merchant ships every time when its needed by simply trowing dices. 1 dice to see will I use 2 dices, and then two dices to decide from which town the merchant will start his trip.
Same thing goes for choosing which card and in which town will it spawned.

You will need to trust in my honesty. In any case, my sister will be close to me with the bludgeon, so if I ''stray'' she will execute justice. :}
Seriously, there is no other way.
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Mar 4, 2011 at 08:13 AM.
Since I noticed some ppl have problems to understand how this event works, here are some examples which will show you that this thing isn't complicated as u think.

Abut Plundering

In the Image 1 we see a medium pirate ship anchored at town A. It is ship that belongs to clan KiLa, and we know it's a medium ship by the number of his white sails. (1 sail = small ship, 2 sails = medium ship, 3 sails = large ship). Coming from the town/island B, is medium merchant ship. It carries goods (TC) shown by the $ icon.
Merchant ships move at the beginning of the turn, before players, by one space, going from one town to another and then returning back. They follow this travel pattern until they are sunk. Upon that, another merchant ship will spawn on random location, starting his travel back and forward.

Since, it is KiLa's turn to play he can chose to do next things:
- Stay anchored on the town A and just wait for the merchant to come to him and sunk him for TC
- Move toward merchant so he can collect TC quicker

Lets, say he chooses to go for the merchant.
Since KiLa has medium ship, its speed is 2 so he can go either 1 space, or 2 spaces. And since he has a medium pirate ship, he can attack medium and small merchants.

On Image 2 we can see that KiLa moved 2 spaces, and that he is now just one space close to the merchant ship. He still can't plunder the ship since u need to occupied same spot as merchant to do that. But, that is not a problem, since next turn merchant will come to him! :]

So, next turn, merchant ship goes one more spot and encounter the KiLa. When it's KiLa turn to play again they can execute the plundering! Merchant is sunk, and KiLa is 10 K Tc richer.
Merchant ship is removed from the map, but next turn, another one will spawn somewhere and start to carry goods from some other town, back and forward.

Notice: After executing plunder KiLa still can move, back to town A, or forward to town/island B, at speed 2 (one, or two spaces)

And this is how u plunder merchant ships!
About Fighting

In the Image 1 we can see this situation:
KiLa is on their way to town A, but ghoulish Jolly Roger ship is on their tail (presented with the J icon and brown ship)!
It is Jolly Roger's turn to play, and we can see that they have a large pirate ship, with sped 1. Since only one spot is between Jolly and KiLa, we know that Jolly can move on the same spot as KiLa and attack them!

And that is exactly what Jolly Roger do! Upon coming into same spot as KiLa, Jolly decides to attack and try to sunk KiLa ship, they also want to get the TC that KiLa collected so far (it is 10 K, from previous example).

So, now we go in the Toribash game to resolve this fight between two ships/clans.
As we know, KiLa has a medium ship, and that means they have 3 crew members, while Jolly have large ship and 4 crew members.

Since KiLa is defending they can chose the mod of the game that will be used during the whole fight. Let's say they chose aikido. So now one clan member from the KiLa and one clan member from the Jolly Roger enter the room and fight one game of aikido!
The winner, stays in the room, the loser is out of the fight, and then next player enters the room to fight the one that have win previous game.
Clan/ship that loses whole figh is the one that have lost all his crew members in the fight.

Look the images below and see the resolve.

As you can see, all KiLa crew members lost their fights, and by that they have lost clan war and their ship!

Final resolve look like this:

So, KiLa's ship is sunken, they are out of the event, but thay can return if they chose to buy another ship and continue the quest.

Jolly Roger won, and they have 70% of the KiLa's earnings in the event. 70% of 10 K TC is 7 K. That amount of TC will Jolly Roger gain.

Jolly Rogers's crew members are replenished after this (although we see they lost one crew member, they go back to 4 after the fight)

Notice: Since some clan members can't come that day on event because real life obligations, or GMT, it is possible that another clan member ''substitute''(play role) of the missing clan member.

And this is how you fight.
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Mar 9, 2011 at 09:00 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump