Originally Posted by Derzai View Post
staff members of every color have been generally unlikeable and rather "slow" for quite some time now (starting around 2016-17 and on)

staff started making blanket rules to avoid having to deal with individual reports and that also made people not want to play the game

seems most people only want to play the game competitively now, but competitive toribash is (most of the time) a coin toss at some point in any match in the "best dueling mods"

"support" for the game meant occasional patches, but most toribash patches are unnoticeable, break a specific function / feature, or add unnecessary steps / changes to existing function/feature that was previously completely fine

play if u want but nobody is playing it anymore for a reason

all of this is 100% correct and is a big reason why i dont play. Lots of unfair treatment, there's been a few occasions where they quite literally created new 'rules' out of thin air just for an excuse to ban me. My favorite instance of staff stupidity is how USD duels randomly stopped being supported one day so if you were to get scammed, they would do nothing. The real kicker is that they cherry picked who they wanted to ban, so some people could go around all day scamming in USD duels and would be fine (Asni is a great example, went around for months scamming everyone he could and not getting banned for it) but if I were to do even 1/4th of what he did it'd be an instant ban and they would make up some bullshit to justify it, and i've also seen others get banned for USD duel scams which are apparently 'not supported' (unless they dislike you then its supported apparently)

theres some cool staff members out there, but for the most part the game is being run by egotistical nerds who clearly don't have a clue what they are doing.