View Poll Results: Will you try training with hand grippers in the future?
6 Votes / 24.00%
6 Votes / 24.00%
6 Votes / 24.00%
This is a bad idea and you should feel bad for doing this.
7 Votes / 28.00%
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why are you actively focusing on increasing your grip strength instead of lifting to make your whole body strong
Also mwah sooo much calories would be put into an all powerful body, and what do you do with your Massive ass stomach after. You'll be forever eating like a beast.
Last edited by Rai; Sep 26, 2014 at 08:23 PM.
just deleted a handful of posts about dicks. if you want to talk about your penis take it to pms instead of derailing the thread
Focusing grip isn't really bad. As a person that is extremely short I usually focus legs because I doubt I could outlift a tall guy but I can easily outrun one. gripping can also help with blocks and stuff and being passive-aggressive. Besides, it might help with opening a jar.
Life's not a waste of time and time's not a waste of life so let's stop wasting time, get wasted and have the time of our lives - Mr Worldwide 3:18
mwah this is just a supplement to my regular workout, something to do while i'm sitting at my desk watching tv and the like
alright what made you want to even get more grip strength, even as something to do in your down time
Pushing powder down my musket so I may smite another opp.
I put a switch and a beam on my blunderbuss, your hood is not safe.
Originally Posted by smokinonthatKK View Post
Isnt that just a fancy way to say "work your dorsiflexion muscles"?

highly unlikely that anybody needs grip strength

1) No, not necessarily at all. It's about how you train any muscle group at all if you're also an athlete.

2) Grip strength can be a limiting factor for training. Example- I can't deadlift a whole lot of weight without straps because if I had to rely on my own grip strength, I can't lift nearly as much as my back can handle. Taking grip strength out of the equation I can add well over 100 pounds to my deadlft to more adequately hit my back.

The point of the thread however isn't "Why should I train grip strength" it's "Hey, I'm training grip strength, and here's how", so I figured I'd give my academic opinion about why his method of training is sub-optimal by talking about what I've found to be true with training.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
YEAH!! DrHax gets it.

Makes it easier to do stuff you would be limited in otherwise. Also climbing becomes easier, as does just holding stuff in general, as an added bonus I can crush hands when shaking peoples hands, and if it ever came to it i guess i could dangle off the edge of a cliff for longer, however thats a different type of training more focused on endurance whereas this is for actually squeezing things.

BONUS if at some point I can close the captain of crush number 3 hand gripper, I get to be forever immortalized on their website as one of less than 200 people that can do so. At this rate though I don't see that happening soon.

. Research has now shown that grip strength has proven to be a reliable indicator for quality of life at an older age. For instance, in 1999 a study concluded the following:

“Among healthy 45- to 68-year-old men, hand grip strength was highly predictive of functional limitations and disability 25 years later. Good muscle strength in midlife may protect people from old age disability by providing a greater safety margin above the threshold of disability.”

I think he wants to improve his hugs... lol.

Btw i think grip strength helps alot in basketball. Makes you move the ball more fluently.
Bringer of Hell
I'm 6'0 and recently got into weight lifting .. made some great strenght / muscle gains so far.
My grip strength has always been ridiculously low tho

Grip strength is useful in so many instances in everyday life .. definitely worth the 30 dollars... it's a good idea to !
Maybe try to stay in the "strenght building rep range" which is below 5 reps.

I will definitely consider buying this 3 tools pack , thanks OP !
Last edited by kremline; Sep 27, 2014 at 04:38 PM.
I might come back soon, stay tuned !