Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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[Hunters]Show your things
This is a place where you can post pictures from your life, if you want to.

What you can post:

  • Pictures of yourself(so long as you are fully clothed) or family members(as long as you have their consent).
  • Pictures of your pets.
  • Pictures from your daily life, which you have taken and find interesting enough to share.

What you can't post:

  • Any type of explicit content or content that does not follow the general forum rules.
  • Any pictures which are not original (not taken by you or someone you know).


Keep in mind that this is a public forum, however, and anything you post here can be easily saved by anyone with an internet connection. Basically, don't post things you don't want the entire internet to be able to see.

Also, for more art-y things we have the art thread, so you should post them there.
Well, here goes. Pics are from 2010-2011. Quality of some is kinda crappy because they are from an archive of my old facebook(which I made before deleting it last fall), and facebook resized them when I uploaded them, and once again resized them when I archived them. All of these(except one) are taken by me. I'm in the one that isn't

I enjoy places like these.

These things substantially improved my mood at the time :D

Last edited by lordtiger; Nov 4, 2012 at 11:40 AM. Reason: Divine intervention
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself: https://discord.gg/ZHdJfAT
I wan't the slushieee D: Anyways, good pictures LT. They're all good and kinda relaxing to look at Makes me realize how beautiful the world is.
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
Green apple slushie :O
Gimme. Pwease?

Here's a picture of my pluche elephant Fantefant (the origin of my ingame name), which I used to take with me everywhere I went. When I took this pic I was 10 years old. It's on the mountain Christoffel on Curaçao. The second picture gives an idea of the view from the top.

Warning, big pictures

Originally Posted by ThePitcher View Post
This is a place where you can post pictures from your life, if you want to.

What you can post:

  • Pictures of yourself(so long as you are fully clothed) or family members(as long as you have their consent).
  • Pictures of your pets.
  • Pictures from your daily life, which you have taken and find interesting enough to share.

What you can't post:

  • Any type of explicit content or content that does not follow the general forum rules.
  • Any pictures which are not original (not taken by you or someone you know).

I have a question about "fully clothed" So (if you are male) you can't post anything about beaches? I'm in the Dominican Republic, which is famous for their beaches.
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
Pictures with t-shirts or vests would be ok. I really don't want to enable people to post topless pictures, someone can get the wrong idea. Pictures of beaches are fine, I guess it's fine if you're submerged in water too.
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself: https://discord.gg/ZHdJfAT
ima show you guys some crazy pictures of this paradise of a place i live in

this is bahia the state of brazil i live in.

thats me on the right. my bro in the middle and my dad left. we were climbing this huuuuge mountain in a plateau region of bahia with over 100 caves, and grottos and mountains and stuff. rlly crazy vacation.

Last edited by sunchaos; Nov 4, 2012 at 08:23 PM.
Get me mah juice Bitch.
That..is...amazing. sunchaos, I wish I lived there.
It's just amazing and awesome.
Like you said in the spoil "real paradise"
Cool, i have a pic that i use as avatar, in it i'm shirtless but there can only be seen my face, my neck, and something like 1 inch of chest, (remember, immaguy lol) can i post it?