Original Post
[DP] I was kicked!/I didn't get my invitation
First of all, don't worry, you're not kicked.

Made this thread because it will get more attention than a post.
So the Toriclan system was changed and every member was kicked.
Alert had her computer explode before she could invite everyone, so until she finds an usable computer, you won't get an invitation to the clan.

torikill10, AiroBlinn, BL4CKCH1LD, DisbwoYY, Xs238 and owl984 are the ones in need of invitations, tell me if anyone is missing please.
^I made this list based on who answered to the activity check. If you failed to post in the thread, that means you are inactive and will not get an invite, sorry.
Last edited by pusga; Aug 31, 2012 at 06:07 PM.
oh yeah
So, I don't need to do another Form for getting in? I am welcome here?
"N00b clap works too properly for being called a n00b move."
I was curious why I got kicked. I'm kinda back now but maybe just in forums until I get my skills back ingame/single player.
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