Your videos are looking pretty good, but you don't seem to be showing much improvement between. Perhaps try to spend a little longer on your next edit, rather than uploading so many.

Also it made me happy to hear somebody else using KOAN Sound, even if that was a peculiar choice
one time i had a hair deep in my urethra and when i pulled it out it felt kinda good ~fudgiebalz 2020

<~Skul> they're not children, they're demon midgets
<~Skul> if you kill one in front of the rest, they'll scatter and leave
Originally Posted by DatSkip View Post
My criticism still stands

At the end of the day just do what you enjoy but if you're looking to improve then you should try new things

im out of ideas and dont have good plugins. But idk about the effects.

NEVER use the same replays in one edit.
It makes the edit boring to watch.

Also. On the edit called Eki27 Montage, you used an intro made by slykuiper.
And if you read the description you can see that it says "fanmade, not official"
What do you think he ment by that?
Here's the original intro
Originally Posted by Hypersaint View Post
NEVER use the same replays in one edit.
It makes the edit boring to watch.

Also. On the edit called Eki27 Montage, you used an intro made by slykuiper.
And if you read the description you can see that it says "fanmade, not official"
What do you think he ment by that?
Here's the original intro

He is aware of that, that is where he got the original intro from. It's credited in the description of the video.

That said, the intro was overused and died out a while back, even sly himself said that he found the constant use of it in edits annoying
I do some videos
Feel free to PM me for any video-related questions
It still annoys me that people don't listen to what other people write as description.