Original Post
(vid) Yeh

Svp 13

Replays: Dezrai

Plugins: Magical bullet looks

Also im sorry about the unsynced part at 0:05 I added the cc first and then tried to sync from there.

Cnc is heartily welcome.

Good video.
Dont like the music.
Sync was okay.
Shaders were meh.

Work on transitions btw!
As I said previously you should try to fade the transitions

It was a bit slow
I do some videos
Feel free to PM me for any video-related questions
Originally Posted by DatSkip View Post
As I said previously you should try to fade the transitions

It was a bit slow

oh i saw that but i forgot. And im not good at transitioning replay to replay.

But anyway thanks

i love electroswing

and this video was pretty good
cc was minimal, shader was a great choice
freecam was alright, felt wobbly to me
transitions were good although visually simple

i like the simplicity, but i hope to see something a little more out of the ordinary from you (OR MORE ELECTROSWING, YES)
the goblin