Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Not bad, seems nice item for writer sets (graffiti artists)
But one thing I don't like is texture, maybe try to change color or make another versions of it
Good job 7/10
Look at the textures of other items in the game. Try making it use toribash colors, and with less detail. It'd look better with just flat color than how it does now tbh, although it should have a bit of texturing.

Also, I think the straps look pretty weird. Maybe make it one of those single-strap bags?


Last edited by Kahn; Jan 1, 2017 at 01:53 AM.

It looks really nice! The texture is alright, it looks kind of leathery, so it's kinda weird. You can't make it too detailed if you want it to be an actual item, so the way it looks right now is already quite good. Should have a larger variety of colours, for example different colours on the straps and the bag but your choice. Well done.
I like the modelling, it is okay.

The texture is quite too detailed to be an actual toribash item, you put too much information without quality and readability.

work more on the texure and it will look okay.