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A limit for players with the same IP
Hello, I recently entered a room, (not official though) and I saw 2 players with the same name but different numbers at the end of the name, and I though that there should be a limit for players opening 2 clients and being in 1 server, because it's annoying for that person to occupy the server space when someone is playing.
Don't send me PM's, I don't read them.
Steam can only have one client open at a time, and if something like that were to be supported in Toribash then that could probably fix things. I dont think there is a way to actually limit someone from opening two clients.
You don't earn QI or TC if you have the same IP.

What if they were brothers? I've seen people who are brothers who just play by themselves.

Many brothers/sisters of yours would like to play toribash. But I wouldn't like it if I bought many computers just so my family members, then we couldn't all play...

~Not Supported
I support this its because its going to lessen people who farm in tourneys etc.


Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
With the same word but different numbers?Their different users because they have different names
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