Originally Posted by Beast View Post
MMR got reset, but not fully.

Basically, they took your mmr + 1200 and divided it by 2, and that's your new starting mmr

god 1500 elo people are really terrible then ._. (and i'm not even good >_>)
Tell me about it, I've taken a break from ranked because silver players are absolute horseshit. Take the fucking lantern Yasuo, NO DON'T GO BACK IN ON FULL HEALTH MORG WITH LESS THAN 50 HEALTH ASKDJASJJHLKASJKAFH

Fucker was somehow plat in s3, must have been carried hard.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Eh, I joked about being carried to silver 1 when I started ranked(because I was, I never got to play my main roll and I sucked where they put me).

But I somehow managed to get myself to gold 2 actually playing where I was best at
So I decided to play a couple of games with Hyde as support Sona bot. Playing with lvl 30s is fun.

Best Support NA

"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
I think I have a 1 and 500 record when I play support. Not because I'm a bad support (just went 3-1-3 as Blitz), but because in public games, I don't have nearly enough control over the outcome of the game.

Despite me giving perfect vision of the map, and everyone calling missing, people continuously overplay. My Quinn goes bot lane with me and feeds 0-9 by 20 minutes, still no boots. I don't know why after you lose Tier 1 towers people still stand in lane as if they can just... be there. Like there's still a tower protecting them. Same shit over and over and over again: they run to where the tower WAS, they get crowd controlled (like by Morgana), and holy shit now it's sinking in that you're not able to just walk 3 feet back and be safe... EXCEPT HE DOES IT AGAIN. AND AGAIN. And it's not like I can stop it, they are more fed, so we should play passively. I can't pull them into the tower when were so damn far away from it. I'm stuck either doing nothing bottom, which can mitigate some of the feeding but not too much, or go another lane to try to help gank/give vision and assure their ADC gets free farm while our feeds hurrendously.

Oh well, least I got my first quadra kill + ace combo. Twitch is the man.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
I find the exact opposite when I play support. It's not so much making plays as enabling your adc to play the way they want. If they want to farm, I try to make their farming as easy as possible by pressuring, but avoiding aaing, the enemy laner so the lane doesn't push as hard, but they don't have to worry about getting harassed. If they want to push hard, I'll make wave clearing easy by staggering the minions health. If they want to get kills, I'll facilitate them through baits or hard engages. My job is done when I'm not needed anymore for my adc to do what they want to do. I have trust in every player that they play best playing what they want.

Regardless of how bad an adc I get, so long as they have decent game sense, I can lane well with them. A good support can carry a lane, but a great support can make any adc carry the game. The support is a facilitator. I create the environment from which victory arises. And if I've done it right, nothing my team does will deny me my victory.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
^ apart from your team feeding. Which happens too often :c
But eh I haven't actually played any LoL since I've hit Silver 5, staying up all night has fucked me over in terms of sleeping pattern. I feel as if now I've bought the Rammus skin and haven't played for 2 days I'll all of a sudden suck or something :S
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
I find the exact opposite when I play support. It's not so much making plays as enabling your adc to play the way they want. If they want to farm, I try to make their farming as easy as possible by pressuring, but avoiding aaing, the enemy laner so the lane doesn't push as hard, but they don't have to worry about getting harassed. If they want to push hard, I'll make wave clearing easy by staggering the minions health. If they want to get kills, I'll facilitate them through baits or hard engages. My job is done when I'm not needed anymore for my adc to do what they want to do. I have trust in every player that they play best playing what they want.

Regardless of how bad an adc I get, so long as they have decent game sense, I can lane well with them. A good support can carry a lane, but a great support can make any adc carry the game. The support is a facilitator. I create the environment from which victory arises. And if I've done it right, nothing my team does will deny me my victory.

All of that sounds awesome in theory but then you have literally pants on head retarded level players who just quite frankly can make games unwinnable haha
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!