Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Howdy Yuns!
What up /art!

Been drawing a few heads lately for fun and nostalgia feels. Haven't done anything in a long freakin time again.

Stuck on this head because I kinda like it and the backs and sides are just stupid as shit. What the fuck do you put there since normally it just has hair or skin but everyone wants you to put a mini-fridge and a rocket ship there to keep it interesting.

Lets hear them ideas.



Please include the programs used. Thank you. - Nagato
Oops, sorry guvna. Sketchbook Pro is what I used.

Found this old sketch from many years ago and thought I'd spruce it up a bit. I've only put about half an hour into it so far. It still needs some touching up and such but oh well, sharing is caring.

New Project

Ruler of the free world bonus!

Last edited by Jebus; Apr 19, 2017 at 09:22 AM.
You'll have to excuse me, I'm not at my best. I've been gone for a month, I've been drunk since I left.
It's a little too dark, not too pleasant to the eye. Some of your best work in my opinion is the less grimy art like these

Also I don't like how the chin looks mirrored, perhaps try adding differences to the left / right sides.
The eyes are weird and the "v" thing that comes up from the nose looks weird and the teeth need to be more subtle


makes the gums smaller

face needs to be bigger and higher up too

nice fucking shading tho

coLLab with me again : ( and then Ill give u 100% of the profit

Alrighty guys, thanks for the comments. I put that one on hold for now because I got bored of it and dont have any good idea for something to make it pop.
Don't feel like changing anything on it because all the stuff mentioned is what makes it unique.

Anyways. I added a new project to the first post. Let me know what you think.
You'll have to excuse me, I'm not at my best. I've been gone for a month, I've been drunk since I left.
Hah, that's pretty sick. Love the "Long Live the King" detail.

Maybe try putting some wrinkles on the scalp for some more of that old n' weathered look.