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Clarifying Infractions
When I went through a shitposting phase, I got a lot of infractions, the messages tend to be very articulate on which rule was broken and what I did wrong but they seemed particularly vague on the description of what an infraction does, how many you could get and what type of infractions were worth more, they just explain that too many will result in restrictions. Although this might not make a massive difference to those who don't make stupid posts, perhaps being more specific on what infractions were would prevent young inexperienced shit posters from exentualy assuming they make no difference and take less heed of them (as I did before I was banned for a day and smartened up my act).

I know this wouldn't be a big change but I am sure it wouldn't be do hard to just make the infraction message more specific. It is fine how it is but I believe improvements would be worthwhile.
Last edited by Lazors; Feb 8, 2015 at 08:18 PM. Reason: Took the liberty of fixing your title. It will do here for now.
Good morning sweet princess