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Discussion: MAP Acceptance?
Recently I've come across the acronym MAP, standing for Minor Attracted Person.
It's a term used by pedophiles who think that they are being judged too harshly.

Some of them are trying to catch a ride on the LGBTQIA+ train of un-taboo-ifying certain sexual attractions and gender expressions.

Now, I think it is fairly obvious that pedophiles/MAPs who act on their urges deserve all the judgment they get. (If you don't, let us know why)

What I'm more interested in is this:
1. What do you think of this rebranding effort?

2. Should pedophiles/MAPs that do not in any way, shape, or form act on their urges get a ticket to ride the train, or should things stay the way they are? Another option entirely?


1. I think the rebranding effort is a bad attempt at minimizing their urges, and any person who unironically uses the term for themself is just trying to make themselves feel better.

2. Personally, I don't think it's a good idea to make it socially acceptable for people to go about their day with such thoughts, as I don't trust them to have the self-control to not act on their urges for the entirety of their lifetime. I think we should be actively trying to help such individuals to get rid of these thoughts.
alright guy
1. The rebranding lost me totally when I saw their flag:

They picked baby blue and baby pink... Like seriously, what the fuck.

2. It's a tricky one.

On one hand, I have a lot of sympathy for people who grow up with the horrible realisation that their sexual preferences aren't ageing along with them (although this sympathy doesn't extend to anybody who acts on their urges at all, like you pointed out). In the UK, I don't think they're even able to talk to a psychologist about it because doctor-patient confidentiality doesn't apply when there is any perceived risk to a minor.

However, I totally agree with you that normalising it in any way would be really harmful. As horrible as their lives must be, their continued criminalisation is probably necessary, whether they have acted on their urges (yet) or not.

How about mandatory castration? Do you think that would allow them to be accepted back into society?
one time i had a hair deep in my urethra and when i pulled it out it felt kinda good ~fudgiebalz 2020

<~Skul> they're not children, they're demon midgets
<~Skul> if you kill one in front of the rest, they'll scatter and leave
Originally Posted by Moop View Post
How about mandatory castration? Do you think that would allow them to be accepted back into society?

The idea of forcing people into surgeries with potentially catastrophic results just doesn't sit right with me. Chemical castration also has a myriad of possible side effects.

I think that making it mandatory would deter them from coming out to seek treatment, leaving them helpless in their constant battle against their urges.
alright guy
Originally Posted by fudgiebalz View Post
1. What do you think of this rebranding effort?

I don't like calling them by the MAPs acronym. I prefer to call them 'fucking revoluting'.
Originally Posted by fudgiebalz View Post
2. Should pedophiles/MAPs that do not in any way, shape, or form act on their urges get a ticket to ride the train, or should things stay the way they are? Another option entirely?

How do you know if a pedo is non-offending though? You don't. If we take a hypothetical pedo that is non-offending (they don't even jerk it to CP), then you're still talking about a person that fantasizes about fucking children. How many years (or decades) of sexual repression will it take until that person finally gives in and acts on those urges?

Imagine a land mine left over from some old war. You know it's there. You know it's potentially very dangerous. If you step on it, it might blow up, it might not. You can't know for sure. So what do you do? You either sequester it from everybody by making the area a no-go zone, or you send in someone to disarm it.

You lock 'em em up, or you cut their balls off and send em to a psych. What you don't do is nothing - You don't let things be. It's too dangerous.
Originally Posted by Moop View Post
How about mandatory castration? Do you think that would allow them to be accepted back into society?

Combining therapy with castration is a good start, but I don't think that would allow them to be accepted into society. I get it, 'it's not their fault', that's just the way they are. They are what they are though. A lion is a lion (and lions are dangerous). Castrated people have still committed acts of sexual abuse against children. It's not a magic pill.

When constructing personal identity, our sexual preferences are a pretty core component of that. If we did have a magic pill, and it had the ability to change sexual preferences, we'd be changing into entirely different people. In the case of pedos, you'd be turning a lion into a housecat. If such a pill existed, then I would think these former pedos (these cuddly little pussycats) would be accepted into society - Though I bet it'd take a long time for the stigma to wear off (and I bet some people would never overcome that stigma and still be disgusted/fearful of them).

In conclusion - All pedos are fucked. Only way to 'un-fuck' a pedo is completely 'un-pedo' them.
Last edited by Ele; Jul 25, 2020 at 01:56 PM.
More research needs to be done into pedo-conversion, which probably needs some of the stigma removed from the simple state of being a pedophiliac. Trying to ram pedophilia into the sphere of the LGBTQ is, in my humble opinion, not the way to go about that.
I feel simply having the thoughts of being sexually attracted to those that are prepubescent is already bad enough. But for those that like children because of a disorder, I really don't think MAP is a very prevalent way of dealing with them.
pedos are not lgbt, and will never be accepted by lgbt. Children cannot consent, and so it is immoral for them to have sexual relations with a child. Pedos need help, and idk who is best to give it to them.

This isn't china, thought crimes are not a thing. Pedos must do something illegal to be prosecuted. Thinking bad thoughts is and should be 100% legal.

Lifetime celibacy is a thing, and almost everyone lives there whole life without raping anyone. Children do not deserve rape because a pedo is a pedo. This is not a hard concept.
bro what even is this thread pedos deserve solitary confinement and no internet even if theyre "not harmful", just thinking about it means ur harmful, pedos cant be helped they'll always be attracted to kids, just like how gay men are attracted to men, if ppl even defend MAPs or whatever the fuck theyre tryna b called ill just immediately assume theyre a pedo lol
@Berzerk: I'm fairly certain everyone here agrees that pedophilia is a destructive thing. Nothing you've said is a new statement to this thread outside of your clear disdain for the topic.

As for OP, I personally think that this whole MAP issue is a complicated one for a number of reasons.

We've already stated that attraction to minors isn't a matter that can change in a person, it's the same as being homosexual or identifying as a gender other than your birth. If it's not just a temporary onset of these feelings, then it's likely built into you to some extent, and isn't something that you can simply stop.

Additionally, I feel to an extent that being sexually attracted to certain age groups outside of the range of legality are understandable or to some extent even acceptable in the world we're living in. I for one couldn't tell you with 100% certainty at a glance whether someone is or isn't legal if you just showed me a picture and a conversation with them. Teenagers look much more adult now as a whole than they did in the past, and I think that should be at least accounted for in whether it's okay or not to be attracted to them.

I find often that the largest issue with this entire scenario is education, as a lot of young adults and minors don't often see the issues that could potentially arise with these relationships, and as such they have become more common recently than they have in a long time.
I think I might be retired.