Original Post
Official Clan Members
Story: Long ago, there was a toribashian by the name of Metasoulec. He was trained in the way of Aikido and Wushu. He enjoyed this fighting much so he kept training with the help of his friends. He decided to make a clan to spread training and goodness to all of Toribash and to expand his knowledge on the different fighting styles.

Member List
Metasoulec - Leader
Ryukendo99 - Elite
Kila - Elite
Recka - Elite
Mirrage - Scholar
Denso - Scholar
Skunkofant - Evoker
Nader - Evoker
Shamus1 - Initiate
Last edited by Metasoulec; Nov 30, 2008 at 12:16 PM. Reason: Update
i have seen only 1 soup player when i play and i play every day so i think this is pretty inactive clan.... :/
I plays on a weekend. i would play more but stupid Residential Blockded the server access so's I can't play during the week. Only on's the wekkend when's I goes home... Stupid Res...'s
Nusquam est verus. Panton est licitus - "Nothing is true. Everything is permitted" Epic Sig Pic
Sorry guys for the double posting and stuff, but whats the go with the things next to our names like Scholar and Evoker and stuff? Just curious. Ooh, another thing, you know that clan tag you get in front of your name and stuff? How do you get that up?
Last edited by Mirrage; Nov 17, 2008 at 09:32 AM.
Nusquam est verus. Panton est licitus - "Nothing is true. Everything is permitted" Epic Sig Pic
pssh.... im always on...i never see any1 else apart from ryu...taste nice and occasionaly other ppl...denso i never see u on.. make sure u look for servers named soup so u can play with us.