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Intel or Amd processor?
I need a new processor and I want one of these two.

Intel Core i5-2500K Sandy Bridge 3.3GHz quad core- $220

AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition Deneb 3.4GHz quad core-$130

If I get the AMD processor I have to replace my motherboard which will be an extra $120 so yeah Im just not sure what I should get.I want to know what preforms better and such. I game primarily but I also do photoediting and make music so theres that.I just want to know what will suit my gaming needs better.

I would appreciate any help.
I'm a huge fan of that AMD proc, I know tons of people that have gotten it and saw only good reviews. The i5 seems a bit overpriced, but if you have to replace the motherboard for the amd then I guess that would be fine. I'd actually buy a new motherboard and get the amd because it seems like you'll be getting a better cpu and won't have to switch over later (upgrades won't be as expensive as intel)
Honestly, I have a AMD processor and its not failing me, my friend has a intel pc, and I'm pretty sure my amd processor beats his intel.
His computer is good he spent about $500-$650 on his pc, I spent $350 on my laptop...
Intel is overrated, and overpriced.
AMD can do just as good as Intel.
But i5, is a very very very nice processor.
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