Original Post
In Japan/Trouble/ModPlug D: /Music Comp : D
Hey guys.

Sorry about my inactivity lately. I've been in Japan for a while now and I can't use this compy for Toribash because it's a fail.

Trouble: The day before I left for Japan, my father caught me playing Toribash. My mother was always cool with it, but my father always hated it. So he made me delete the hell out of it. I still have my replays..but that's it. Everything else is gone. I know I've "Officially quit Toribash" 2 or 3 times now, I think this time's for reals. I can't use mIRC on my home computer because my internets and computer is a fail. And I can't play Toribash anymore because my father is going to be watching my computer use like a Nazi watches...never mind. I might still use the Forums infrequently, so it's not goodbye forever, never gonna contact you again..but it's "Hey I'm making myself very scarce forever."

Before when I quit, I still liked most of the people on Toribash. Now, however, the people have changed. I hate to use a 4chan reference but..The newfags are ruining this forum. So, with a lack of people I like..and a lack of the game itself..it kinda makes visiting these forums an exercise in futility. If you'd still like to talk to me, my msn is "[email protected]" add me if you'd like. I'm on that quite frequently. One more thing..I just wanna say that you guys (all people in Guru and some people in other clans) have been awesome. Even though the only place I know you guys is on the internet, I still consider you all true friends and I'm going to miss those I lose contact with. *Pause for tear* lol.


I need help with ModPlug. Go to my thread in Discussion. :3

OH AND I TOTALLY GOT 25K FROM THAT MUSIC COMP THAT STARTED LIKE A YEAR AGO LOLCAPSLOCK. Too bad I'm not going to be able to use it on anything. Actually..I might buy some epic items and just let them die with me lol. Along with meh moneh. So, no charityforu.

So, go ahead and move me to 'Inactive' on the members list. BUT LEAVE ME ON THE LIST. I want my gravestone to say [Guru] on it. : D

--Sorry about the random structure of this thread. I had a lot to say and I'm quite tired.
Last edited by Jsoh; Jul 24, 2008 at 02:19 PM.
Your dad has you on a tight leash :/
Hopefully he'll ease up on the watch later on

In any case
Japan! Say hi to my gf for me ;o

also, I can't help you with Modplug, on the account that I have nfi what that is. D:

<pirate> wow i almost threw up from sneezing rofl
Jsoh, kick your dad in the nuts and see if he'll let you play after that

But really fack... D: I'll add you on msn, so I can make fun of you and shiz

Oh, and er chatzilla or something mebbeh?
Since when did I become Asian?
Originally Posted by Jsoh View Post
Hey guys.

Sorry about my inactivity lately. I've been in Japan for a while now and I can't use this compy for Toribash because it's a fail.

Trouble: The day before I left for Japan, my father caught me playing Toribash. My mother was always cool with it, but my father always hated it. So he made me delete the hell out of it. I still have my replays..but that's it. Everything else is gone. I know I've "Officially quit Toribash" 2 or 3 times now, I think this time's for reals. I can't use mIRC on my home computer because my internets and computer is a fail. And I can't play Toribash anymore because my father is going to be watching my computer use like a Nazi watches...never mind. I might still use the Forums infrequently, so it's not goodbye forever, never gonna contact you again..but it's "Hey I'm making myself very scarce forever."

Before when I quit, I still liked most of the people on Toribash. Now, however, the people have changed. I hate to use a 4chan reference but..The newfags are ruining this forum. So, with a lack of people I like..and a lack of the game itself..it kinda makes visiting these forums an exercise in futility. If you'd still like to talk to me, my msn is "[email protected]" add me if you'd like. I'm on that quite frequently. One more thing..I just wanna say that you guys (all people in Guru and some people in other clans) have been awesome. Even though the only place I know you guys is on the internet, I still consider you all true friends and I'm going to miss those I lose contact with. *Pause for tear* lol.


I need help with ModPlug. Go to my thread in Discussion. :3

OH AND I TOTALLY GOT 25K FROM THAT MUSIC COMP THAT STARTED LIKE A YEAR AGO LOLCAPSLOCK. Too bad I'm not going to be able to use it on anything. Actually..I might buy some epic items and just let them die with me lol. Along with meh moneh. So, no charityforu.

So, go ahead and move me to 'Inactive' on the members list. BUT LEAVE ME ON THE LIST. I want my gravestone to say [Guru] on it. : D

--Sorry about the random structure of this thread. I had a lot to say and I'm quite tired.

We will miss you Jsoh. It will be sad see you not here; Visit often.

I think everyone is somewhat irritated by the state of the forum. The whole thing was largely unneeded. Somehow this was a "plan" (generally I feel plans should be planed out) to improve the quality of the toribash community, in that it would somehow correct the stupid members within the forum. Instead most of those seem to be imitating said trolls (with laughable results) or otherwise still being stupid. If anything I say the quality of the forum will become as good as it once was, ..maybe.

As for the music program, perhaps talk with Psy-T on that one. Not sure if he has experience with it or not.
Last edited by lancer_c; Jul 24, 2008 at 11:13 PM.
Bye jsoh, many many <3s. Come back when you can, maybe sneakily download tb on some hidden secret hax computer and play again
"The primary form of transportation for a lumberjack is by bull. While ordinary bulls eat grass and antibiotics, a lumberjack's bull feeds on endangered species." -Maddox, The Alphabet of Manliness
As for Toribash playing stuff, Get a USB / flashdrive.
As for IRC, Chatzilla, or same thing. Portable drive.
And for ModPlug... Well, I know I still have it on my computer, and I know I messed around with it for a while, so my experience is limited, but I offer you anything I know and can give. What'cha need ta know?

Oh, and I might get a MSN just to talk to you. As in, you'd be the only reason why I'd get it.
Be careful...
...we're watching.