Original Post
Highest body part in the air
Hi, i did this a while ago, i think the arm goes around 50m in the air, can anyone beat it?
Last edited by ishi; Oct 16, 2008 at 02:58 PM.


Re: Highest body part in the air
This is not a mod competition though. :P In my aaaa2 mod i got my right glute over 14000 meters high. That is why this is a no mod competition.
Re: Highest body part in the air
I know I am sounding /\/0081$# but can somebody please tell me how to measure? Search function didn't tell me anything.
R.I.P. Billy Mays
Re: Highest body part in the air
After the limb is released press e. Then press "i" and put ur mouse over what ever limb is throw. In red letters there should be a bunch of writing and somewhere it will say the limb position and then three numbers. The third number over tells you the height. ex. body_head pos 10.202 4.275 8.973.