Original Post
[A] Awesome full sets auction, Mysterio and Gold!!!

Market price: more than 170k

Start bid: 90k
Min. Raise: 3k
Autobuy: 150k

Market price: 100k

Start bid: 60k
Min. Raise: 2k
Autobuy: 95k

Auction ends 48h after last bid, u have a chance to get cheap items, bid!
10th dan black belt
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Originally Posted by Aspire
Old Gold: 60k

Old Gold is not for sale i think =)

btw accept items?
full amber for full gold?

EDIT: mah nwm I like amber more
wishful eyes deceive me
For your records...

You've sent 60000 toricredits to Arkenvoss
Waiting for the full gold set.
Just saw it was an auction, send tc back :P