Original Post
Item duels
Well, I've noticed that lots of people are getting reported for not sending the items they've lost in a duel - let's make a command for item dueling! For example, /duel Void Relax , 512x512 Head Texture etc etc :> It'd make GMs lifes easier and ordinary users would feel safer when dueling as well :>

Last edited by Creati0n; Jun 3, 2018 at 08:21 AM.
I dont support this because now with TC duels you do the amount you dueling for each round. but now if you are item dueling and you say best of 3 then once the round is over you will lose your item.

The way it is now is more convenient, but i see where you coming from it will make things much easier for us and GM's
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.
In-game commands for item dueling would be too complicated, especially with TC vs. item duels.
The items can't be automatically appraised by the TB engine, using the Torishop or the "average pricing on the market" wouldn't help either.
I imagine that the entire inventories would have to be loaded for each player, which is a bad idea, and what would happen if someone wanted to wage more than one item in a single duel? The process would be bound to get too tedious for people to actually use this method.
Items would have to be spelled exactly right too, which I don't see biding well with the community (also taking account of items with apostrophes).

A system that will work, however, is one similar to the clan war system and safetrading.
I'm not familiar with how clan wars work anymore, but I believe you can select TC and items as wagers, which go to the winner.
Having this same thing for duels, maybe thinking of them as one-person clans, would be a better way to duel than the manual way we have now.
Item Duel Command for TB/TBN
I can recount numerous occasions where a considerable amount of time (and frustration) could have been saved using this suggestion

Item duels could be made much easier with the use of a command such as "/set itemduel"
...then another window pops up and allows both players to select AND CONFIRM an item they want to duel.
It's sort of similar to how trading on steam works, but the items would only be sent after a best of 5 or something like that.

This would also reduce the amount of scamming that takes place, as it ensures that all items previously agreed upon would be sent to the winner of the duel.

If one player DC's, they could be given a certain time period in which they have to reconnect to the match, and if they don't, they automatically lose the duel.

Kore Moderated Message:
Merged with similar thread that had the most developed idea
Last edited by Kore; Jun 1, 2018 at 05:45 PM.
Origin For Life
Just make it like clan wars. Each on puts his offer, and what the score should be and then they both agree
After that they just fight ingame and the winner gets the items

If I was able to have one wish, it would be to live closer to my one true love Fred, his beard tastes so nice.
He is also a far superior tk player.
Originally Posted by Creati0n
Hey guys, there's been discussion of something like this in the Market Squad board—and likely other places—so I thought I'd bring together a rough outline for how to potentially implement this.

We've already got two awesome systems that could work as a skeleton of thought for this system: the Clan Wars System and the Safetrade function. Functionally the Safeduel system will work very similar to how the Clan Wars System works.

Here's how the Safeduel system would be similar to the Safetrade function:
  • Player A sends a wagered item/amount of tc to Player B;
  • Player B either declines the initial wager or offers his response to the wager;
  • Player A confirms agreement;
  • (optional) Player B reconfirms agreement.

Here's how the Safeduel system would be similar to the Clan War function:
  • Player A sets the "first to" to whatever (usually 3);
  • Player B either declines or agrees to the win condition.
  • In addition to this, I'd recommend adding something like an agreed mod field so that there's a record of the agreed mod in the event of a scam report.
  • A better alternative would be for the system to check for matches between players in a specific mod. If this is feasible, I’d prefer this method over bullet #3.

note: completely meant to leave out the time limit option; have it hard-set to unlimited and have an option where a TSA can force-cancel/win duels. Would stop people from just leaving the duels and refusing to play.

Items and TC would be sucked into limbo (e.g. safeduel) once the duel is set, Player A and B duel, and the winner collects the prize.

rough UI example

This proposition shouldn't require game developers to get involved. Since it'll work similar to how Clan Wars work, it should require only forum development. Any feedback would be appreciated from the community, staff and forum development team.

thanks have a good

going to go ahead and add this to the original post. feel free to continue to expand on this idea as nothing is set in stone as far as development is concerned. a forum based approach is likely to have the least amount of resistance as it would require no game development (as far as I know).

marked as elevated

edit: holy shit this man got it
Last edited by Creati0n; Jun 3, 2018 at 08:45 AM.
A forum based approach would be easier to implement and probably less hassle. Like I said in my post above, it could be like steam trading where each party proposes their trade and accepts or refuses the other's. But going off of the time limit thing, I'd have to respectfully disagree. To my understanding, you're saying that there should be no time limit, because if one party left the game it would allow the other player to auto claim victory or force cancel the duel.
My proposition as to the time limit would be to allow players to have a certain amount of time to do it, as to avoid players reporting one another for cheating or claiming victory in case of an accidental D/C (i.e. internet cut out or power was lost). Have a certain time limit so that both players know and agree to the time set, and if one player disconnects, they have the opportunity to reconnect.
Origin For Life
To my understanding, you're saying that there should be no time limit, because if one party left the game it would allow the other player to auto claim victory or force cancel the duel.

never once claimed that in my post. in fact, I have a point right below that explaining why there would be no way to set a time limit:
Originally Posted by post
note: completely meant to leave out the time limit option; have it hard-set to unlimited and have an option where a TSA can force-cancel/win duels. Would stop people from just leaving the duels and refusing to play.

Last edited by Creati0n; Jun 5, 2018 at 08:38 AM. Reason: where did the quote go
Originally Posted by Dare View Post
sometimes you duel your whole inventory or a lot of items wouldn't typing take a really long time >.>

In my opinion, it wouldn't even necessarily have to be an in game function. It would work best, again this is an opinion, if it worked the same way as clan wars.

A player would send a duel request to another player through the same method as clans send a war to another clan

From there, they could wager what items from their inventory they want to duel, how much tc, and out of how many matches.
Origin For Life