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help me find this film!
Well I just remembered a comedy film I watched before a year or so
But couldn't remember its name
Its about a weak ,black(no means to be racist. The whole film is about black people) policeman who gets who gets in love with a girl whose family is strong,drug dealing people who hates cops
There is this scene I remember
When the policeman brings people to act like they are robbing the family's house and the policeman act like he protected them
I dunno how to say it or what to say
But I also remember the movie title had the word
Jenkins or jenkils something like that
The movie didnt have any famous actors I think and it is not
Welcome home Rosie jenkins
INB4 14 days ban
Well can't remember how he looked like
But he is thin
Not musceled
Dunno what else
INB4 14 days ban
Yea this movie is funny
But it is not it
I don't think it is new
Or got popular
But it is kinda kinda similar to ride along
The thought that a small , weak man wants loves a girl from a strong family
INB4 14 days ban
try having a look through this list:

you said that you watched it a year ago. was that in a cinema? search on the list by year and you'll more likely find it.
Last edited by MintCat; Apr 23, 2014 at 03:14 PM.
No it wasn't in the cinema
It was on TV
So I don't really know the date
And nope not blue streak
Thanks everybody though
INB4 14 days ban