Weekend Bash
Original Post
Improved Item.dat Editing Tut (good for texturing and screenshots)
*under construction*

Hello Toribash Community!

Need to change your tori's force or relax color for a screenshot? Don't have all the texture items and think you're hopeless to get a good picture for it? I've got the answers right here so enjoy the knowledge of the item.dat!

This tutorial will help you enhance your knowledge of the wonders of the custom folders item.dat file. I use this information primarily for the use of texturing and for taking screenshots. Any questions you have can go here as I am subscribed to this thread and will answer any questions that may arise!

I know there's an excellent tutorial by NutHug here about what I'm talking about and yes I am using some information from that to help mine (I give him credit). However, this tutorial includes more detail and goes more in-depth with the subject. I've also included an updated and easy-to-use file for this.

The Item.dat Basics

The item.dat file can be found in your "C:\[ToribashFolder]\custom\[player name]\item.dat"

You can open it with notepad, wordpad, etc..

The Item.dat

* some specifics in this section currently under construction*

I asterisked the lines of the item.dat that are actually useful to edit for screenshots or texturing. The [Unknown] parts are either not effected by a number switch or aren't visible changes in singleplayer.

Text: This wasn't in NutHugs tutorial so I tried to find out. As far as I know the numbers are meaningless. However, when I open up some people's it has some text after it. It turns out it's their bounty text. This line doesn't apply to single-player.
TEXT 0;0 0 0 0 0 0 [Bounty Text]
Item: This line is the colors of other various items that your Tori has. NutHugs tutorial says that numbers 2, 3, and 4 are force, relax and force (replay) colors but editing them alone doesn't change anything so I left them as unknown.
ITEM 0;[Blood] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Unknown] [DQ Ring] [Ghost] [Unknown] [Timer] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Name/score] [Unknown] [Emote] [Grip] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Unknown]
Bodcol: This line is the colors of each individual non-joint part of the Tori. This line will overwrite the GRADCOL lines. Used by the torso color item.
BODCOL 0;0 [Head] 1 [Breast] 2 [Chest] 3 [stomach] 4 [Groin] 5 [Right Pec] 6 [Right Bicep] 7 [Left Tricep] 8 [Left Pec] 9 [Left Bicep] 10 [Left Tricep] 11 [Right Hand] 12 [Left Hand] 13 [Unknown] 14 [Unknown] 15 [Right Thigh] 16 [Left Thigh] 17 [Left Shin] 18 [Right Shin] 19 [Right Foot] 20 [Left Foot]
*Gradcol1: This is your tori's primary gradient.
GRADCOL1 0;0 [Unknown] 1 [Unknown] 2 [Unknown] 3 [Unknown] 4 [Unknown] 5 [Unknown] 6 [Right Bicep] 7 [Left Tricep] 8 [Left Pec] 9 [Left Bicep] 10 [Left Tricep] 11 [Right Hand] 12 [Left Hand] 13 [Unknown] 14 [Unknown] 15 [Right Thigh] 16 [Left Thigh] 17 [Left Shin] 18 [Right Shin] 19 [Right Foot] 20 [Left Foot]
*Gradcol2: This is your tori's secondary gradient.
GRADCOL2 0;0 [Unknown] 1 [Unknown] 2 [Unknown] 3 [Unknown] 4 [Unknown] 5 [Unknown] 6 [Right Bicep] 7 [Left Tricep] 8 [Left Pec] 9 [Left Bicep] 10 [Left Tricep] 11 [Right Hand] 12 [Left Hand] 13 [Unknown] 14 [Unknown] 15 [Right Thigh] 16 [Left Thigh] 17 [Left Shin] 18 [Right Shin] 19 [Right Foot] 20 [Left Foot]
*Forcol: This is your tori's force color.
FORCOL 0;0 [Neck] 1 [Chest] 2 [Lumbar] 3 [Abs] 4 [Right Pecs] 5 [Right Shoulder] 6 [Right Elbow] 7 [Left Pecs] 8 [Left Shoulder] 9 [Left Elbow] 10 [Right Wrist] 11 [Left Wrist] 12 [Right Glute] 13 [Left Glute] 14 [Right Hip] 15 [Left Hip] 16 [Right Knee] 17 [Left Knee] 18 [Right Ankle] 19 [Left Ankle] 20 [Unknown]
*Relcol: This is your tori's relax color.
RELCOL 0;0 [Neck] 1 [Chest] 2 [Lumbar] 3 [Abs] 4 [Right Pecs] 5 [Right Shoulder] 6 [Right Elbow] 7 [Left Pecs] 8 [Left Shoulder] 9 [Left Elbow] 10 [Right Wrist] 11 [Left Wrist] 12 [Right Glute] 13 [Left Glute] 14 [Right Hip] 15 [Left Hip] 16 [Right Knee] 17 [Left Knee] 18 [Right Ankle] 19 [Left Ankle] 20 [Unknown]
*Repcol: This is your tori's joint color during replays. It is the same as your force color if I'm not mistaken.
REPCOL 0;0 [Neck] 1 [Chest] 2 [Lumbar] 3 [Abs] 4 [Right Pecs] 5 [Right Shoulder] 6 [Right Elbow] 7 [Left Pecs] 8 [Left Shoulder] 9 [Left Elbow] 10 [Right Wrist] 11 [Left Wrist] 12 [Right Glute] 13 [Left Glute] 14 [Right Hip] 15 [Left Hip] 16 [Right Knee] 17 [Left Knee] 18 [Right Ankle] 19 [Left Ankle] 20 [Unknown]
Beltname: This is for the custom belts out there. The name of their custom belt is in text after the semicolon.
BELTNAME 0;[Belt name]
Trailcol: This line is the color of the Tori's trails.
TRAILCOL 0;0 [Left Hand] 1 [Right Hand] 2 [Left leg] 3 [Right Leg]
*Texbody: This determines what textures you have. I don't know too many specifics but put the following if you want all textures to appear on your tori during singleplayer.
TEXBODY 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bmapbbody: I assume this determines which bumpmap textures you have. I haven't tested it but I'm willing to bet it follows the same general structure of the Texbody line. So if you want to have all bumpmap textures displayed, replace your item.dat BMAPBODY line with:
BMAPBODY 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Texjoint/Bmapjoint: I have no information on this one. By the name I'm thinking joint textures. I'm definately looking into this one! If anyone has informaion or wants to help we can keep in contact via PM.

Textrail: I think it determines if you have texture trails but trail textures work even without editing this line.

Texground:Most likely for ground textures but again, no editing on this line is needed to have a ground texture in singleplayer.

The Flame# lines: This is the code for a users flame(s) and you can edit flames here. There are 52 options in the flame forge for editing flames and there are 52 numbers in each line here. The numbers here are in the same order as in the flame forge. You can use this to look at what other peoples flames would look like on your tori. The flame browser utility does this for you though and the flame forge pretty much edits this line for you.Warning: Do not use this information to try to recreate other peoples flames for the purpose of selling them! You WILL get banned!

Changing Colors

For extra clarification this is only for singleplayer purposes only! It does not work while playing online.

Here is my color list! It's the most complete that I know of. You can copy it into a text document for easy access. I'll update it whenever new colors come out or if there's anything missing or broken.

To change the color of any one of the item.dat files with the asterisk, just copy and paste the whole line of numbers (not the color name) over the one in the preexisting file. This file is replaced automatically when you start the game online so yes this is only for singleplayer. For texturing purposes I recommend copying your item.dat file and textures to uke's custom folder to save it as uke's folder is never automatically changed. The Tori custom folder works just as well.

For the unasterisked lines, use the list below this one.

Toribash item.dat Customization Number Extravaganza!

Put together by LWafflez. Please, remember to provide me credit for this file as it took a while to put together.

Acid: 0;0 26 1 26 2 26 3 26 4 26 5 26 6 26 7 26 8 26 9 26 10 26 11 26 12 26 13 26 14 26 15 26 16 26 17 26 18 26 19 26 20 0

Admantium: 0;0 75 1 75 2 75 3 75 4 75 5 75 6 75 7 75 8 75 9 75 10 75 11 75 12 75 13 75 14 75 15 75 16 75 17 75 18 75 19 75 20 0

Alpha Imperial: 0;0 110 1 110 2 110 3 110 4 110 5 110 6 110 7 110 8 110 9 110 10 110 11 110 12 110 13 110 14 110 15 110 16 110 17 110 18 110 19 110 20 0

Amber: 0;0 61 1 61 2 61 3 61 4 61 5 61 6 61 7 61 8 61 9 61 10 61 11 61 12 61 13 61 14 61 15 61 16 61 17 61 18 61 19 61 20 0

Amethyst: 0;0 27 1 27 2 27 3 27 4 27 5 27 6 27 7 27 8 27 9 27 10 27 11 27 12 27 13 27 14 27 15 27 16 27 17 27 18 27 19 27 20 0

Aqua: 0;0 28 1 28 2 28 3 28 4 28 5 28 6 28 7 28 8 28 9 28 10 28 11 28 12 28 13 28 14 28 15 28 16 28 17 28 18 28 19 28 20 0

Aurora: 0;0 22 1 22 2 22 3 22 4 22 5 22 6 22 7 22 8 22 9 22 10 22 11 22 12 22 13 22 14 22 15 22 16 22 17 22 18 22 19 22 20 0

Azurite: 0;0 62 1 62 2 62 3 62 4 62 5 62 6 62 7 62 8 62 9 62 10 62 11 62 12 62 13 62 14 62 15 62 16 62 17 62 18 62 19 62 20 0

Beetle: 0;0 92 1 92 2 92 3 92 4 92 5 92 6 92 7 92 8 92 9 92 10 92 11 92 12 92 13 92 14 92 15 92 16 92 17 92 18 92 19 92 20 0

Bronze: 0;0 29 1 29 2 29 3 29 4 29 5 29 6 29 7 29 8 29 9 29 10 29 11 29 12 29 13 29 14 29 15 29 16 29 17 29 18 29 19 29 20 0

Camo: 0;0 101 1 101 2 101 3 101 4 101 5 101 6 101 7 101 8 101 9 101 10 101 11 101 12 101 13 101 14 101 15 101 16 101 17 101 18 101 19 101 20 0

Chronos: 0;0 42 1 42 2 42 3 42 4 42 5 42 6 42 7 42 8 42 9 42 10 42 11 42 12 42 13 42 14 42 15 42 16 42 17 42 18 42 19 42 20 0

Cobra: 0;0 89 1 89 2 89 3 89 4 89 5 89 6 89 7 89 8 89 9 89 10 89 11 89 12 89 13 89 14 89 15 89 16 89 17 89 18 89 19 89 20 0

Copper: 0;0 16 1 16 2 16 3 16 4 16 5 16 6 16 7 16 8 16 9 16 10 16 11 16 12 16 13 16 14 16 15 16 16 16 17 16 18 16 19 16 20 0

Crimson: 0;0 57 1 57 2 57 3 57 4 57 5 57 6 57 7 57 8 57 9 57 10 57 11 57 12 57 13 57 14 57 15 57 16 57 17 57 18 57 19 57 20 0

Demo(lition): 0;0 113 1 113 2 113 3 113 4 113 5 113 6 113 7 113 8 113 9 113 10 113 11 113 12 113 13 113 14 113 15 113 16 113 17 113 18 113 19 113 20 0

Demon: 0;0 30 1 30 2 30 3 30 4 30 5 30 6 30 7 30 8 30 9 30 10 30 11 30 12 30 13 30 14 30 15 30 16 30 17 30 18 30 19 30 20 0

Dragon: 0;0 31 1 31 2 31 3 31 4 31 5 31 6 31 7 31 8 31 9 31 10 31 11 31 12 31 13 31 14 31 15 31 16 31 17 31 18 31 19 31 20 0

Ecto: 0;0 12 1 12 2 12 3 12 4 12 5 12 6 12 7 12 8 12 9 12 10 12 11 12 12 12 13 12 14 12 15 12 16 12 17 12 18 12 19 12 20 0

Elf: 0;0 32 1 32 2 32 3 32 4 32 5 32 6 32 7 32 8 32 9 32 10 32 11 32 12 32 13 32 14 32 15 32 16 32 17 32 18 32 19 32 20 0

Gaia: 0;0 43 1 43 2 43 3 43 4 43 5 43 6 43 7 43 8 43 9 43 10 43 11 43 12 43 13 43 14 43 15 43 16 43 17 43 18 43 19 43 20 0

Gladiator: 0;0 44 1 44 2 44 3 44 4 44 5 44 6 44 7 44 8 44 9 44 10 44 11 44 12 44 13 44 14 44 15 44 16 44 17 44 18 44 19 44 20 0

Gold: 0;0 33 1 33 2 33 3 33 4 33 5 33 6 33 7 33 8 33 9 33 10 33 11 33 12 33 13 33 14 33 15 33 16 33 17 33 18 33 19 33 20 0

Helios: 0;0 123 1 123 2 123 3 123 4 123 5 123 6 123 7 123 8 123 9 123 10 123 11 123 12 123 13 123 14 123 15 123 16 123 17 123 18 123 19 123 20 0

Hot Pink: 0;0 105 1 105 2 105 3 105 4 105 5 105 6 105 7 105 8 105 9 105 10 105 11 105 12 105 13 105 14 105 15 105 16 105 17 105 18 105 19 105 20 0

Hunter: 0;0 95 1 95 2 95 3 95 4 95 5 95 6 95 7 95 8 95 9 95 10 95 11 95 12 95 13 95 14 95 15 95 16 95 17 95 18 95 19 95 20 0

Hydra: 0;0 45 1 45 2 45 3 45 4 45 5 45 6 45 7 45 8 45 9 45 10 45 11 45 12 45 13 45 14 45 15 45 16 45 17 45 18 45 19 45 20 0

Imperial: 0;0 86 1 86 2 86 3 86 4 86 5 86 6 86 7 86 8 86 9 86 10 86 11 86 12 86 13 86 14 86 15 86 16 86 17 86 18 86 19 86 20 0

Ivory: 0;0 97 1 97 2 97 3 97 4 97 5 97 6 97 7 97 8 97 9 97 10 97 11 97 12 97 13 97 14 97 15 97 16 97 17 97 18 97 19 97 20 0

Juryo: 0;0 21 1 21 2 21 3 21 4 21 5 21 6 21 7 21 8 21 9 21 10 21 11 21 12 21 13 21 14 21 15 21 16 21 17 21 18 21 19 21 20 0

Kevlar: 0;0 108 1 108 2 108 3 108 4 108 5 108 6 108 7 108 8 108 9 108 10 108 11 108 12 108 13 108 14 108 15 108 16 108 17 108 18 108 19 108 20 0

Knox: 0;0 121 1 121 2 121 3 121 4 121 5 121 6 121 7 121 8 121 9 121 10 121 11 121 12 121 13 121 14 121 15 121 16 121 17 121 18 121 19 121 20 0

Magma : 0;0 128 1 128 2 128 3 128 4 128 5 128 6 128 7 128 8 128 9 128 10 128 11 128 12 128 13 128 14 128 15 128 16 128 17 128 18 128 19 128 20 0

Magnetite: 0;0 102 1 102 2 102 3 102 4 102 5 102 6 102 7 102 8 102 9 102 10 102 11 102 12 102 13 102 14 102 15 102 16 102 17 102 18 102 19 102 20 0

Marine: 0;0 34 1 34 2 34 3 34 4 34 5 34 6 34 7 34 8 34 9 34 10 34 11 34 12 34 13 34 14 34 15 34 16 34 17 34 18 34 19 34 20 0

Maya: 0;0 109 1 109 2 109 3 109 4 109 5 109 6 109 7 109 8 109 9 109 10 109 11 109 12 109 13 109 14 109 15 109 16 109 17 109 18 109 19 109 20 0

Mysterio: 0;0 118 1 118 2 118 3 118 4 118 5 118 6 118 7 118 8 118 9 118 10 118 11 118 12 118 13 118 14 118 15 118 16 118 17 118 18 118 19 118 20 0

Neptune:  0;0 11 1 11 2 11 3 11 4 11 5 11 6 11 7 11 8 11 9 11 10 11 11 11 12 11 13 11 14 11 15 11 16 11 17 11 18 11 19 11 20 0

Noxious: 0;0 35 1 35 2 35 3 35 4 35 5 35 6 35 7 35 8 35 9 35 10 35 11 35 12 35 13 35 14 35 15 35 16 35 17 35 18 35 19 35 20 0

Old Gold: 0;0 100 1 100 2 100 3 100 4 100 5 100 6 100 7 100 8 100 9 100 10 100 11 100 12 100 13 100 14 100 15 100 16 100 17 100 18 100 19 100 20 0

Olive: 0;0 124 1 124 2 124 3 124 4 124 5 124 6 124 7 124 8 124 9 124 10 124 11 124 12 124 13 124 14 124 15 124 16 124 17 124 18 124 19 124 20 0

Orc: 0;0 36 1 36 2 36 3 36 4 36 5 36 6 36 7 36 8 36 9 36 10 36 11 36 12 36 13 36 14 36 15 36 16 36 17 36 18 36 19 36 20 0

Persian: 0;0 114 1 114 2 114 3 114 4 114 5 114 6 114 7 114 8 114 9 114 10 114 11 114 12 114 13 114 14 114 15 114 16 114 17 114 18 114 19 114 20 0

Pharos: 0;0 46 1 46 2 46 3 46 4 46 5 46 6 46 7 46 8 46 9 46 10 46 11 46 12 46 13 46 14 46 15 46 16 46 17 46 18 46 19 46 20 0

Plasma: 0;0 59 1 59 2 59 3 59 4 59 5 59 6 59 7 59 8 59 9 59 10 59 11 59 12 59 13 59 14 59 15 59 16 59 17 59 18 59 19 59 20 0

Platinum: 0;0 87 1 87 2 87 3 87 4 87 5 87 6 87 7 87 8 87 9 87 10 87 11 87 12 87 13 87 14 87 15 87 16 87 17 87 18 87 19 87 20 0

Pure: 0;0 50 1 50 2 50 3 50 4 50 5 50 6 50 7 50 8 50 9 50 10 50 11 50 12 50 13 50 14 50 15 50 16 50 17 50 18 50 19 50 20 0

Quicksilver: 0;0 37 1 37 2 37 3 37 4 37 5 37 6 37 7 37 8 37 9 37 10 37 11 37 12 37 13 37 14 37 15 37 16 37 17 37 18 37 19 37 20 0

Radioactive: 0;0 38 1 38 2 38 3 38 4 38 5 38 6 38 7 38 8 38 9 38 10 38 11 38 12 38 13 38 14 38 15 38 16 38 17 38 18 38 19 38 20 0

Raider: 0;0 106 1 106 2 106 3 106 4 106 5 106 6 106 7 106 8 106 9 106 10 106 11 106 12 106 13 106 14 106 15 106 16 106 17 106 18 106 19 106 20 0

Raptor: 0;0 58 1 58 2 58 3 58 4 58 5 58 6 58 7 58 8 58 9 58 10 58 11 58 12 58 13 58 14 58 15 58 16 58 17 58 18 58 19 58 20 0

Sapphire: 0;0 39 1 39 2 39 3 39 4 39 5 39 6 39 7 39 8 39 9 39 10 39 11 39 12 39 13 39 14 39 15 39 16 39 17 39 18 39 19 39 20 0

Shaman: 0;0 65 1 65 2 65 3 65 4 65 5 65 6 65 7 65 8 65 9 65 10 65 11 65 12 65 13 65 14 65 15 65 16 65 17 65 18 65 19 65 20 0

Sphinx: 0;0 47 1 47 2 47 3 47 4 47 5 47 6 47 7 47 8 47 9 47 10 47 11 47 12 47 13 47 14 47 15 47 16 47 17 47 18 47 19 47 20 0

Static: 0;0 9 1 9 2 9 3 9 4 9 5 9 6 9 7 9 8 9 9 9 10 9 11 9 12 9 13 9 14 9 15 9 16 9 17 9 18 9 19 9 20 0

Superfly: 0;0 120 1 120 2 120 3 120 4 120 5 120 6 120 7 120 8 120 9 120 10 120 11 120 12 120 13 120 14 120 15 120 16 120 17 120 18 120 19 120 20 0

Supernova: 0;0 71 1 71 2 71 3 71 4 71 5 71 6 71 7 71 8 71 9 71 10 71 11 71 12 71 13 71 14 71 15 71 16 71 17 71 18 71 19 71 20 0

Titan: 0;0 48 1 48 2 48 3 48 4 48 5 48 6 48 7 48 8 48 9 48 10 48 11 48 12 48 13 48 14 48 15 48 16 48 17 48 18 48 19 48 20 0

Toxic: 0;0 40 1 40 2 40 3 40 4 40 5 40 6 40 7 40 8 40 9 40 10 40 11 40 12 40 13 40 14 40 15 40 16 40 17 40 18 40 19 40 20 0

Typhon: 0;0 49 1 49 2 49 3 49 4 49 5 49 6 49 7 49 8 49 9 49 10 49 11 49 12 49 13 49 14 49 15 49 16 49 17 49 18 49 19 49 20 0

Tyrian: 0;0 107 1 107 2 107 3 107 4 107 5 107 6 107 7 107 8 107 9 107 10 107 11 107 12 107 13 107 14 107 15 107 16 107 17 107 18 107 19 107 20 0

Vampire: 0;0 41 1 41 2 41 3 41 4 41 5 41 6 41 7 41 8 41 9 41 10 41 11 41 12 41 13 41 14 41 15 41 16 41 17 41 18 41 19 41 20 0

Velvet: 0;0 115 1 115 2 115 3 115 4 115 5 115 6 115 7 115 8 115 9 115 10 115 11 115 12 115 13 115 14 115 15 115 16 115 17 115 18 115 19 115 20 0

Viridian: 0;0 64 1 64 2 64 3 64 4 64 5 64 6 64 7 64 8 64 9 64 10 64 11 64 12 64 13 64 14 64 15 64 16 64 17 64 18 64 19 64 20 0

Void: 0;0 85 1 85 2 85 3 85 4 85 5 85 6 85 7 85 8 85 9 85 10 85 11 85 12 85 13 85 14 85 15 85 16 85 17 85 18 85 19 85 20 0

Vulcan: 0;0 104 1 104 2 104 3 104 4 104 5 104 6 104 7 104 8 104 9 104 10 104 11 104 12 104 13 104 14 104 15 104 16 104 17 104 18 104 19 104 20 0

Warrior: 0;0 116 1 116 2 116 3 116 4 116 5 116 6 116 7 116 8 116 9 116 10 116 11 116 12 116 13 116 14 116 15 116 16 116 17 116 18 116 19 116 20 0
Singe Number/Color Assignment List:

Use just the single number in the unasterisked sections of the item.dat description. Just replace the bracketed area with the number.

Single number assignment list:

Acid: 26

Admantium: 75

Alpha Imperial: 110

Amber: 61

Amethyst: 27

Aqua: 28

Aurora: 22

Azurite: 62

Beetle: 92

Bronze: 29

Camo: 101

Chronos: 42

Cobra: 89

Copper: 16

Crimson: 57

Demo(lition): 113

Demon: 30

Dragon: 31

Ecto: 12

Elf: 32

Gaia: 43

Gladiator: 44

Gold: 33

Helios: 123

Hot Pink: 105

Hunter: 95

Hydra: 45

Imperial: 86

Ivory: 97

Juryo: 21

Kevlar: 108

Knox: 121

Magma: 128

Magnetite: 102

Marine: 34

Maya: 109

Mysterio: 118

Neptune:  11

Noxious: 35

Old Gold: 100

Olive: 124

Orc: 36

Persian: 114

Pharos: 46

Plasma: 59

Platinum: 87

Pure: 50

Quicksilver: 37

Radioactive: 38

Raider: 106

Raptor: 58

Sapphire: 39

Shaman: 65

Sphinx: 47

Static: 9

Superfly: 120

Supernova: 71

Titan: 48

Toxic: 40

Typhon: 49

Tyrian: 107

Vampire: 41

Velvet: 115

Viridian: 64

Void: 85

Vulcan: 104

Warrior: 116

Here's a tip that I forgot to mention before - to prevent Toribash from overwiting your item.dat file each time you open it, just make the file read only.

thanks to supahninja

Changing Font Colors

This isn't related to the main topic but I just thought I would add it because it uses the same number=color assignment list. Also, might be helpful to some.

Above is the list of just the single numbers for each color, which can be used in-game for colored text. To use colored text, type:

"^[number of color][What you wish to say.]"

It works to emphasize your servers importance on the list. You can also send chat messages with colors. You can change colors in mid-word or mid-sentence by simply adding another "^[number of color]" section before continuing. This works on your name as well but only in single-player and not multi-player.

Blam's Item.dat Generator Program

Found here is a useful program for windows users that is basically a front end for what I showed. Personally, I haven't used it so I can't say much about it but I read the comments and for those who got it to work it's a great alternative. For now, it's only for the Windows Toribash users (unless it works with Wine for Linux or whatever the similar Mac program is.)

There you have it! I hope it provides help for all of you guys. Good luck! Recommend to your friends!

Thanks to:

-NutHug, for his tutorial that got this one started.
-JinxZ, for giving me this link that will help people out.
-Blam, for the contents of JinxZ's link.
-0600hours, for alphabetizing my color list.

If you see any problems please post a reply or PM me and I will fix it ASAP. Any additions can be PM'd to me as well. Also tell me what you think. I like feedback =]. Remember, any questions you have can go here as I am subscribed to this thread and will answer any questions that may arise!

DieAlready addition

Zas addition

supahninja addition

Last edited by WorldEater; Nov 2, 2017 at 09:53 PM.
nice i really find it usefull rather than search the entire forums for the color's id just to find out that it hasan't been posted anywhere
this thread should be stickied and help textures like my self get the colors easyer for their previews.
Glad I could help. I was contemplating putting this up in the Art section and requesting a sticky for it but I wasn't sure so I put it here. I'll let the mods decide what to do with it.
Originally Posted by SmileyJones View Post
Sorry, but this tutorial isn't nearly as detailed as some of the others out there. If you'd like to expand it, let me know.

I would normally close this, but I'll keep it because you listed the new colors.
NutHug's was way more in depth though.
T1cux: clan have eggs.
Thanks. I'll expand the depth after I get out of the hospital to make it more useful and I'll be updating the colors as necessary. I should add somewhere that it's still under construction.
This is pretty nice. I remember having to do this for most of my old sets. By the way, Windows users could just use {Blam's Item.Dat Generator} to edit the Item.dat it does all the work for you, and I believe automatically updates through Toribash.
